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Workflows and dependencies

allyoucanmap edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 3 revisions

Due to the different nature of the input data there is a need of specific workflows and tools, here a list of the main libraries used inside this application:

  • pg2b3dm Conversion of polyhedron geometries to 3DTiles
  • i3dm.export Conversion of point geometries to 3DTiles
  • PDAL Processing of point cloud data
  • py3dtiles Conversion of point cloud to 3DTiles

The graphs below show the current workflows for each type of data supported: Shapefiles ( and Point Cloud (.las).

graph LR;
    shp_point("Shapefile Point (")-->geom_point[Geometry Manipulation]-->postgis_point[PostGIS]-->i3dm.export-->3d_intance((3DTiles));
graph LR;
    shp("Shapefile Polygon/LineString (")-->geom_polygon[Geometry Manipulation]-->postgis_polygon[PostGIS]-->pg2b3dm-->3d_batched((3DTiles));
graph LR;
    las("Point Cloud (.las)")-->las_processing[Processing with PDAL]-->py3dtiles-->3d_point_cloud((3DTiles));