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George Calianu edited this page Mar 6, 2021 · 70 revisions

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Getting started with Gopei

Gopei will install a stable version of golang compiler and LiteIDE. Also will link go compiler with LiteIDE. No root rights are required.

Download anywhere and unarchive.

    curl -LO && unzip

From Terminal go to the tools-master folder and simply run:


Use -h switch to see all options.

Run periodicaly or if compiler/ide versions change to update the system. Projects are never affected if you overinstall.

Note that your system must have bash,curl and git installed before. Also, some systems need additional packages described in the Platform Specific Information.

Important! On Linux build-essential package must be installed if available being used by testing package when CGO_ENABLED=1 but also is required by some other packages like go-sqlite3.

Working with Gopei

Before install

Gopei create GOPATH in $HOME but if you keep this folder in other place don't forget to make a link to that location (e.g ln -s ~/my/src).


Install in classroom mode

    ./gopei -c

This option activate classroom mode. No settings are preserved after closing LiteIDE.

Advanced mode

    ./gopei -g

This option activate full mode (clasic+git suport). You must have a Github account and git installed. You will be asked for user and email and Gopei will generate a ssh key for use with git server.

Also you must provide a password. You also may set no password or for simplicity you can use the Github account password. You will be asked for this password at any push on server.

    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
    Enter same passphrase again: 

Next you will be asked for Github account token (see Creating a personal access token for the command line).


Now the new key are deployed on Github. You will be asked again for phassphrase to check if the key work.

    Checking the keys...
    Enter passphrase for key '/home/george/.ssh/id_rsa': 
    Hi geosoft1! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Note that if you reinstall with -g Gopei will look for existing ssh key and git profile to not override them. If you uninstalled with -U then a new key will be generate on Github. Old keys can be deleted manualy from Personal settings/SSH keys.

Remember that sometime key deploy can be very slow during Github mentenance. Just be patience or reinstall later.


    ./gopei -h

Short help message.

Show key fingerprint

    ./gopei -k

Useful when you install on many computers and you want to identify your github key.

Install in server mode

    ./gopei -s

Install golang compiler only. Also useful when you don'want to use the default IDE but other.


    ./gopei -u

Uninstall all but not ssh keys and git profile.

Uninstall all

    ./gopei -U

Uninstall all and ssh keys (.ssh folder) and git profile (.gitconfig file). Be carefuly with this option if you have other keys in .ssh folder. Also keep safe .ssh folder and .gitconfig file to avoid keys regeneration at every update.

Note that -U don't delete the key from Github but local. You must authenticate on Github for.

The uninstall process don't delete go programs folder. -U option will delete local liteide/goplay folder.

Set theme

    ./gopei -q webstorm

Set a theme for ide (eg. webstorm).

Set color scheme

    ./gopei -x sublime

Set a color scheme for ide (eg. sublime).


    ./gopei -v

Show Gopei shell version.

Note that some options can be combined (e.g -sg).

After install

If you update to new version of go compiler some programs dependencies like sql driver must be get and compiled again. Do Build|Get in LiteIDE if your program doesn't compile.

If you use Ubuntu right click on Gopei launcher icon show some usefull options.

  • HTTP server (localhost:8080)

If you use the new Ubuntu Gnome interface, search in dash LiteIDE and add to favorite.


Gopei add some new snippets to LiteIDE as following:


func name(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

json tag


xml tag



Github tool

Allow you to easy do some complicated tasks


Without parameters show a list of options.

    github new

Create a new repo from your current project directory on At least one file from your project must be opened in LiteIDE before running this tool. If used from Terminal change the current folder to project folder.

    github clone githubuser/project

Clone existing project (e.g. tools/github clone geosoft1/tools)

Cloud tool


Alow you to run and deploy remote projects. Without parameters show a list of options. Read more on the project Wiki page.

Practical example to start a colaborative project

  • Create a git acoount on Github.
  • Open Terminal and run ./gopei -g
  • Enter user, email and token used with Github and wait setup to complete.
  • Start LiteIDE and create new project Go1 Simple Project.
  • At name write
  • Open main.go from this project.
  • Press ctrl+`
  • Use github new. You will be asked for token. Now your project will magicaly became a repo on Github.
  • Use git add filename or simply git add * to add other files to your repo as you wish.
  • Use git commit -m "-" -a and git push to push files to Github. Note that first time you will need to use git push origin master but not if you use github new command.
  • Use github clone githubuser/project to clone projects.

Remember that you can't remove a repository from Gopei and you must authenticate on Github for.

Make talks and articles

Real gophers make talks and articles based on Google present package. LiteIDE know markdown format. You just need to add the presenter.

  • Start LiteIDE press ctrl+` and execute go get
  • Create a new directory named talks in $GOPATH/src or in $GOPATH/src/
  • Create new project Go Present Slide File and put it in your talks directory.
  • Open and edit your presentation (see present package for how to).
  • Execute present to start presentation server.
  • In your favorite browser open and click on your .slide file.
  • With the arrows keys navigate through the presentation.

Install debugger

  • Start LiteIDE press ctrl+` and execute go get -u


sourceforge website is temporarily in static offline mode. website is temporarily in static offline mode.

    fatal: remote error: 
      GitHub is offline for maintenance. See for more info.

Due to maintenance procedure those sites may be inaccessible. You must try later. Also check your internet connection and restrictions.

    bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

If you check the wrong archive you will see this

    We're sorry -- the Sourceforge site is currently in Disaster Recovery mode.  Please check back later.

Also try later, Github mentenance :(

    Permission denied (publickey).

You enter a wrong token. Reinstall and check the token.


Note that are sistems where Qt may conflict. Just remove Qt from LiteIDE if wont start or use -q.

    rm liteide/lib/liteide/libQt*.*

Also, check Platform Specific Information for prequisites needed on some systems.


If gocode from LiteIDE don't handle newest versions of Go compiler try to update it.

   go get
   mv bin/gocode liteide/bin/

Known issues

  • If not default configured Mac users need to have darwin64-home environment in LiteIDE otherwise the programs won't compile or run.
  • For cross compiling Mac users need to edit new environment (IDE Tools:Environment) and set GOROOT=$HOME/go.
  • Starting with go1.16 go mod init command is needed for each new or existing project.

Platform Specific Information

Gopei is build around bash and curl. Also you may need to install git. See your package manager to find howto (a few examples below):

  • Install git on OS X

      xcode-select --install
  • Trisquel, Debian, Ubuntu 16.04.2+, Kubuntu and Mint need curl and git

      sudo apt-get install curl git
  • Ubuntu 14 and LiteIDE 33+

      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
      sudo apt-get install libstdc++6
  • Ubuntu 17+ may need libpng12 which miss from official repository

      wget -q -O /tmp/libpng12.deb && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/libpng12.deb && rm /tmp/libpng12.deb
  • Fedora and Centos need libpng12 for LiteIDE

      sudo yum install libpng12 git
  • OpenSUSE libpng12 is named libpng12-0

      sudo zypper in libpng12-0 git
  • Sabayon libpng12 is named libpng:1.2

      sudo equo install libpng:1.2 --ask
  • FreeBSD need bash installed. Also bash must be runed before working in golang.

      pkg install bash curl git
  • Arch Linux need libpng12 for LiteIDE

      yaourt -S libpng12

To compile a 32 bits application on the 64 bit Linux you must install some libs.

  • On a Debian or Ubuntu Linux type

      sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib libc6-dev-i386
  • On a Suse (SLES) / OpenSUSE Linux type

      zypper in glibc-devel-32bit

Release Specific Information

Gopei shell work with

  • OS X 10.11 El Capitan, macOS High Sierra
  • Ubuntu 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
  • Debian 8
  • Mint 17
  • Trisquel 7
  • OpenSUSE 42
  • FreeBSD 10
  • Fedora 24
  • Sabayon 16
  • Arch Linux
  • Centos 7
  • Raspbian (Raspberry Pi3)


What exactly is Gopei?

Gopei is an installer for Go environment (compiler+IDE) but also customize the IDE to bring best programming experience for you.

Gopei is a shell?

In a way, yes. Gopei bring a set of tools accessible from IDE to make your life better using git, debugger or other tools.

Who should use Gopei?

Basicaly Gopei was born from need to make Go language accesible to everyone with or without computer experience.

So, the first target is the beginers. Also, the classroom mode can be used in teaching.

Another destination is all those people who want to work simple and quickly. Golang is a simple language so tools used must be simplest too.

Why Gopei goes multi-platform now?

Next step is working in cloud. So, this was a natural step for.

Another reason is that the most golang programmers seems to use OS X so this was an important target.

Also, some users work on many servers so a server mode was an interesting idea.

But why Windows isn't on the list?

Due different architecture and especially because the missing tools, Windows need a totally different approach. No plans to porting but can work under Windows Subsystem for Linux (untested).

What code name mean?

Silly names are funny. From now Gopei code name will reflect the most interesting idea implemented in that version.

So, the first code name mean one script for many operating systems (The Convergence).

Gopei don't install the last IDE. Why?

It's not outdated. From compatibility reasons some versions of IDE work or not on some Linux distros. So, i prefer to have an error free tool instead an up to date one. Don't be afraid, are not so big differences between installed version and the last.

I don't like default IDE. What shoud i do?

No problem, just use gopei -sg meaning server mode with all tols available and next install your favorite IDE. Go environment and tools will be available from your favorite IDE.

What about personal access token?

Github deprecated basic authentication with password for some endpoints. Instead of this you must use tokens (see Creating a personal access token for the command line).
