This example is piggybacking off of the Elastic stack in 5 minutes docker example in order to provide a sample python application with apm hooks into the Elastic stack
Please noteP: sometimes docker compose needs to be ran twice without deleting container and images if experiencing memory issues on laptop
Just download, cd into directory, and then run "docker-compose up"
When done, go to http://localhost:5000 in browser to see sample web page via flask with Redis backend
Go to http://localhost:5601 and log into kibana to see apm data (and other sample data)
If APM dashboards are not present, consider logging into the APM container and manually running the APM dashboard command:
(to tunnel into APM container): docker exec -it pythonstackdocker_apm_1 /bin/bash
(within bash): ./apm-server setup -E
separate note: for python, one could mount local file, but opted to be able to tunnel in: (to tunnel into python): docker exec -it pythonstackdocker_web_1 sh
all info below is straight from official stack-docker storing this simply for convenience - there is nothing official here - use at own peril
This example Docker Compose configuration demonstrates many components of the Elastic Stack, all running on a single machine under Docker.
- Docker and Compose. Windows and Mac users get Compose installed automatically with Docker. Linux users can:
pip install docker-compose
- At least 4GiB of RAM for the containers. Windows and Mac users must configure their Docker virtual machine to have more than the default 2 GiB of RAM:
Try docker-compose up
to create a demonstration Elastic Stack with
Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, Auditbeat, Metricbeat, Filebeat, Packetbeat,
and Heartbeat.
Point a browser at http://localhost:5601
to see the results.
Log in with elastic
/ changeme