236 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
- #4441 - Added layer BGDIDIC-2865: ch.babs.notfalltreffpunkte
- #4436 - Master
- #4447 - Relesenotes 2024-10-09
- #4443 - BGDIDIC-695: update legends
- #4444 - BGDIDIC-2865: fine tuning tooltip geometry sizes
- #4442 - Feat bgdidic 2795 ladebedarfswelt ladepunkte
- #4437 - PB-201: Updated the CI name for milestone branch protection
Bug Fixes
- #4438 - BGDIDIC-642: with the migration to stac the image_number is empty
Data Integration
- #4446 - Revert "BGDIDIC-2865: fine tuning tooltip geometry sizes"
- #4440 - BGDIDIC-1259: download links are suffixed on stac with _2056
- #4439 - BGDIDIC-662: add new release 2024