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- Cameron Moorehead: https://github.com/CameronMoorehead
- Catherine Looper: https://github.com/ccloops
- Dalton Carr: https://github.com/hazzed
- Matt LeBlanc: https://github.com/Snobeard
- Jeff Kusowski: https://github.com/jjkusowski
Geo-Jumper is a multiplayer fullstack platform game that combines socket.io with a frontend React library. This application is designed to create a unique game experience by matching online users to race to the finish line and be the first to catch the star. This application showcases a multiplayer/multi-level game and persists user data using MongoDB.
In this application, our team configured webpack to compile JavaScript and SASS into a bundle and configured babel to transpile JSX and ES6 to ES5 JavaScript. The application creates and renders React components to the DOM, adds event listeners to React components, and updates React component state.
- Visit: https://geo-jumper-frontend.herokuapp.com/
- You can either create an account/login or play anonymously.
- Once you have either logged in or continued anonymously, you can select
Find Game
. - You will then be entered into the waiting room, where you can hang out until an opponent is found.
- Once you have been paired, there will be a countdown from 5 and then you will join your opponent in Level 1.
- To score points, try and complete each level as quickly as you can.
- To beat your opponent, try to race to the star first!
- Load testing conducted with artillery to test socket.io connections.
- Step 1. Fork and Clone the Repository.
- Step 2.
npm install
. - Step 3. touch a .env file and add the following environment variables:
- Step 4. start MongoDB by calling
npm run dbon
. - Step 5. to test the API, open a second terminal window and run the command
npm run test
. - Step 6. If you would like to start the server, you can run the command
npm run start
- PR: If you would like to contribute to the Repo, please open a Pull Request and we will review it
- Bug Reporting: If you find a bug - please report it by opening up an issue in this git repository.
This app is developed as a Desktop application.
Standard JavaScript with ES6 Syntax.
- JavaScript / ES6
- Node.js
- jest
- eslint
- babel
- babel-cli
- babel-core
- babel-loader
- babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread
- babel-preset-env
- babel-register
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- cors
- crypto
- dotenv
- express
- faker
- fs-extra
- http-errors
- jsonwebtoken
- mongoose
- nodemon
- serve-favicon
- socket.io-client
- socket.io
- superagent
- uuid
- winston
- Character Sheet - Gentleman Spy
- Code Fellows
- Heroku - for deployment
- Travis.ci - for continuous integration
- MongoDB - for persistence
- Artillery - load testing
MIT © Geo-Jumper