git clone
cd docker-gitlab
docker pull genshen/gitlab-ce:latest
docker pull genshen/gitlab-pages:latest
mkdir -p data/gitlab data/gitlab-pages data/postgresql data/redis data/gitlab-pages/shared
docker-compose run --rm gitlab init # initialize gitlab database
docker-compose up
And then open browser, visit http://localhost:10080
cd builder
docker build --rm -t gitlab-base-builder .
cd ../gitlab-shell
docker build --rm -t gitlab-shell-builder .
cd ../gitlab-workhorse
docker build --rm -t gitlab-workhorse-builder .
cd ../gitaly
docker build --rm -t gitlab-gitaly-builder .
cd ../gitlab
docker build --rm -t gitlab-builder .
# building intermediate images finished.
cd ../gitlab-pages
docker build --rm -t genshen/gitlab-pages .
cd ../
docker build --rm -t genshen/gitlab-ce .
or you can build all images using all-in-one Dockerfile.
docker build --file all-in-one/Dockerfile --rm -t genshen/gitlab-ce .
docker build --file gitlab-pages/Dockerfile --rm -t genshen/gitlab-pages .
For currently, only postgresql is supported.
In docker compose, (and its reserved DNS name localhost) always refers to the current container, never the host. So, in database config (file config/database.yml), the host term should set to postgresql container name. So is the redis server hostname.
In entrypoint of this gitlab image, the path of file .gitlab_workhorse_secret is set to be ${GITLAB_WORKHORSE_DIR}/.gitlab_workhorse_secret
(${GITLAB_WORKHORSE_DIR} is usually /home/git/gitlab-workhorse).
if .gitlab_workhorse_secret file path is not configured correctly, the clone will return http 500 error when using http(s) protocol.
You should also config .gitlab_workhorse_secret file path in workhorse.secret_file
in config file config/gitlab.yml
The symbolic link of following directories are created to ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}
default, ${GITLAB_HOME} is /home/git; ${GITLAB_DIR} is ${GITLAB_HOME}/gitlab; ${GITLAB_PAGES_DATA_DIR} is /gitlab/gitlab-pages, ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR} is /gitlab/data.
gitlab source location (symbolic link) | => real location |
sshd host key | ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/ssh |
${GITLAB_HOME}/repositories | ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/repositories |
${GITLAB_HOME}/.ssh | ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/.ssh |
${GITLAB_DIR}/builds | ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/builds |
${GITLAB_DIR}/public/uploads | ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/public/uploads |
${GITLAB_DIR}/shared/artifacts | ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/shared/artifacts |
${GITLAB_DIR}/shared/lfs-objects | ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/shared/lfs-objects |
${GITLAB_DIR}/shared/registry | ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/shared/registry |
${GITLAB_DIR}/shared/pages | ${GITLAB_PAGES_DATA_DIR} |
${GITLAB_DIR}/tmp | ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/tmp |
${GITLAB_DIR}/log | ${GITLAB_LOG_DIR}/gitlab/ |
${GITLAB_SHELL_DIR}/gitlab-shell.log | ${GITLAB_LOG_DIR}/gitlab/gitlab-shell.log |
sshd log | ${GITLAB_LOG_DIR}/sshd.log |
Run docker-compose up
command, the gitlab-workhorse will listen on tcp port 8181. You can also change environment variable WORKHORSE_LISTEN_NETWORK
to "unix" (default value is "tcp") to let gitlab-workhorse listen unix socket ${GITLAB_DATA_DIR}/tmp/sockets/gitlab.socket
Image genshen/gitlab-ce does not containe gitlab-pages. If you need gitlab-pages, you can pull genshen/gitlab-pages. You should then follow this link to config your gitlab-pages.