Directly install applications from their GitHub repository with out-of-the-box support for updates
using gpm, the package manager with the superpowers of a cross platform build tool.
Hi! there, follow this guide to install gpm
cli on your system.
At the end of this guide, you will find additional resources related to cli usage.
Let's start.
Here are the platforms currently supported by gpm:
- 🔥👌 Windows OS
- 🔥👌 Linux (Any)
- 🪵🚫 Mac OS (Not Supported, yet)
There are many ways to install gpm
Choose the one which suits you the best:
- (1) Install directly from terminal
- (2) Install from releases
- (3) Install gpm using gpm (yeah, it's possible)
- (4) Build gpm using gpm
To use this method, make sure you have the requirements installed as per your os:
For Windows
Requirements: pwsh (PowerShell) on Windows OS
. { iwr -useb } | iex
For Linux
Requirements: curl on Linux
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash
This method is pretty easy but its not recommended as you won't recieve any update on gpm cli
and you need to manually update your installation, in this method all you need to do is head over to releases, and download the binary for your operating system.
Direct download links are provided below:
For Windows: Click to get gpm.exe
and gpm-binary-replacer.exe
For Linux : Click to get gpm.AppImage
(Important: Rename gpm.AppImage
to gpm
After downloading the binary(s), place them at a location like ~/tools/gpm
and add the location to your system environment path variable.
You can install gpm using gpm itself:
Step 1: Download the gpm binary for your operating system by following the steps in (2) method of installation.
Step 2: Run the downloaded binary as:
For Windows
./gpm.exe --build generic-package-manager/gpm --yes
For Linux
./gpm --build generic-package-manager/gpm --yes
is written in dart, thus, it compiles to native code for the best performance.
For compiling gpm, You will require dart version 3.2.6 or above.
Additionally on Windows, you need to have pwsh (PowerShell) version 7.4.0.
There are two ways to build gpm:
git clone
cd gpm
# for windows
dart compile exe -o gpm.exe --target-os windows bin\gpm.dart
dart compile exe -o gpm-binary-replacer.exe --target-os windows bin\gpm_binary_replacer.dart
# for linux
dart compile exe -o gpm --target-os linux bin/gpm.dart
after completing the above steps, you will get the compiled gpm
Self Build and Install:
You can even use gpm to build itself locally.
git clone
cd gpm
./gpm-dev --build-locally generic-package-manager/gpm
if you are encountering any issues in installing gpm, please create an issue here.
GPM brings the following:
Any open source repository on GitHub is available to install as a package.
As soon as you publish your repository on GitHub, its available for installing with gpm-cli.
You can rollback the installed updates on any package.
gpm --rollback obs-studio
You can even install a specific tag/version of any repository.
gpm --install rufus --tag v4.0
You can control which apps should receive updates
gpm --lock app-fleet
// lock updates -
gpm --unlock app-fleet
// unlock updates
You can update any package individually or update all of them at once.
gpm --update gpm
orgpm --upgrade
You can even build a repository from source.
gpm --build generic-package-manager/gpm
for more information on this see building from source with gpm. -
You can even install a specific commit.
gpm --build generic-package-manager/gpm --commit XXXXXXX
, where XXXXXXX is at least a 7 char commit hash.
You can even build a cloned repository locally.
gpm --build-locally generic-package-manager/gpm
To install a repository run
gpm --install username/repo
Want a specific version installed?
gpm --install username/repo --tag <version>
I wanna build from source !!
gpm --build username/repo
Not the latest commit
gpm --build username/repo --commit <hash>
What about updates?
gpm --update username/repo
How to update them all?
gpm --upgrade
Oops! I don't need update on this package
gpm --lock username/repo
What!!! It worked better before the update
gpm --roll-back username/repo
But My repository is private
gpm --install username/repository --token <your_github_token>
On Windows: dart ^3.2.6 and pwsh ^7.4.0
On Linux: dart ^3.2.6
# clone the repo
git clone
cd gpm
# use gpm to build from source
# for windows
./gpm-dev.bat --build-locally generic-package-manager/gpm
# for linux
./gpm-dev --build-locally generic-package-manager/gpm