This repository provides source codes to build the model for predicting ASD-associated genes and AD-associated genes. The model is built using Random Forest.
(1) After this repository is downloaded and unzipped, go into the folder.
(2) We have created a python script, named '', which includes all source codes to build the model for predicting ASD-associated genes and AD-associated genes. Assuming that you are currently in the downloaded folder, just run the following command and you will be able to built a model and make predictions:
predicting ASD-associated genes
python ./data/signalMatrix.npz ./data/geneList.csv ./data/datasets/ASD/asd_truth_set.csv ./data/datasets/ASD/control_gene_set.csv 10
predicting AD-associated genes
python ./data/signalMatrix.npz ./data/geneList.csv ./data/datasets/AD/ADgene.txt 10
In the above commands, the fifth input, i.e. 10, represents the times of random sampling to build sub-models: in each random sampling, negative genes shuffle for modeling. 5-fold CV is performed on the combined set of the positives and the sampled negatives. The sub-models built during CV are used to rank all human genes.
Note: The four modules, which are pandas, numpy, scipy and sklearn, need to be installed before running the script.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Hong-Dong Li, [email protected]
Chao Deng, [email protected]