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Off Course (WIP)


Off Course is an application designed to enable viewing and managing course material locally


  • Frontend: SvelteKit with TypeScript
  • Backend: Golang with SQLite3 database


To run Off Course, download the latest release for your platform from the releases page and execute

By default, this the application will be available at localhost:9081

Note: You may override the port by setting the running the binary with -port :<port>


When first launched, Off Course will create a oc_data directory along side the binary

This directory will contain the database

On subsequent runs, this database will be used


Adding a Course

Courses may be added via the frontend, by navigating to Settings > Courses and clicking Add Courses

This will open a dialog where you may navigate your file system and select courses to add

The structure of a course on disk is important. See Course Structure for more information

After adding courses, the table on this page will automatically refresh to show the newly added courses


When a course is first added, it will be scanned in order to identify assets and attachments

To see the details about a course click ... > Details on a course row

Over time, you may add or remove assets/attachments via the file system. To pull in the new information about a course, you may perform a manual scan by clicking ... > Scan on a course row within the table

Note: When a scan is performed, assets and attachments that have been removed from the file system will be removed from the database. As such, any progress information about these assets will be lost


Over time, the availability of courses may change. For example, a course may be removed from the file system, or simply renamed

Off Course will not delete courses from the database when they are no longer available. Instead, it will mark them as unavailable, allowing you to maintain progress information about courses that you have previously added, but are no longer available

If you wish to remove a course from the database, you may do so by clicking ... > Delete on a row within the table

Note: A job runs periodically in the background to check the availability of courses. In addition to this, when a manual scan is performed, the availability of courses will be checked

Course Structure

A course is simply a directory containing assets and attachments.

The name of the course will be the name of the directory


An image named may be be placed at the root of the course directory, whereby xxx is a supported image extension (.jpg, .png, .webp, .tiff)

Assets and Attachments

Assets and attachments are files within a course directory

Assets are considered primary course material, such as videos, html files and pdf files

Attachments are supplementary materials linked to assets

File Organization

Assets and attachments may be placed at the root of the course directory, or within subdirectories, which are seen as chapters/sections

Subdirectories within subdirectories are ignored


The filename breakdown for assets and attachments is extremely important


Assets must start with a numerical prefix, followed by a descriptive title, and finally a supported asset type extension

For example, 01 Introduction.mp4

See Supported Asset Types for a list of supported asset types


Attachments are linked to assets via the numerical prefix and as such attachments must start with a numerical prefix

The prefix may optionally be followed by a descriptive title and an extension

For example, 01, and 01 Introduction Notes.txt would all become attachments of 01 Introduction.mp4

Note: The prefix and title maybe separated by a space or a dash, for example 01 - Introduction.mp4 is also valid


Any other files will be ignored

Asset Priority

Assets have a priority: Video > HTML > PDF

If multiple assets are identified with the same prefix, ex. 01, the asset with the highest priority will become the asset. All remaining assets will be downgraded to attachments

For example, if 01 Introduction.mp4 and 01 Introduction.html both exist, 01 Introduction.mp4 will be the asset and 01 Introduction.html will be an attachment

If multiple assets are identified with the same prefix, ex 01, and are of the same priority, ex video, the first asset seen alphabetically will become the asset. All remaining assets will be downgraded to attachments

For example, if 01 Video 1.mp4 and 01 Video 2.mp4 both exist, 01 Video 1.mp4 will be the asset and 01 Video 2.mp4 will be an attachment

Supported Asset Types

The following extensions will be treated as assets, given the filename matches the naming structure described above


  • avi
  • mkv
  • flac
  • mp4
  • m4a
  • mp3
  • ogv
  • ogm
  • ogg
  • oga
  • opus
  • webm
  • wav


  • htm
  • html


  • pdf

Example Structure

My Course/
├── card.jpg                    # Course card image
├── 01 Basics/                  # Chapter 1 content
│   ├── 01 Overview.mp4         # Main asset for Chapter 1
│   ├── 01 Overview Notes.txt   # Attachment to '01 Overview.mp4'
│   └── 02 Example.html         # Main asset (HTML file)
└── 02 Advanced/                # Chapter 2 content
    ├── 01 Deep Dive.pdf        # Main asset for Chapter 2
    └── 01 Source Links.txt     # Attachment to '01 Deep Dive.pdf'




  • Node.js >=20
  • pnpm >= 8


  • Go >= 1.20


Clone the repository

git clone
cd off-course

During development, the frontend and backend will be started separately


  1. Install dependencies

    go mod download
  2. Start the backend server

    go run main.go

The backend will be running on localhost:9081


  1. Open a new terminal

  2. Navigate into ./ui

  3. Create a .env file

  4. Add the following to the .env file

    Note: Change the port to match the port the backend is running on, which by default is 9081

    export PUBLIC_BACKEND=http://localhost:9081
  5. Install dependencies

     pnpm install
  6. Start the frontend

    pnpm run dev

The frontend will be running on localhost:5173



  1. Navigate into ./ui
  2. Build
    pnpm run build

The frontend will be built to ./ui/build


  1. Navigate into the root of the project
  2. Build
     go build

The binary will be output as ./off-course and will embed the frontend


No description, website, or topics provided.






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