Google AI Vision is a timesaver when it comes to quickly processing an image, then deriving storable data from it to utilize in your own app in a matter of minutes. The purpose of this demonstration app is to simply get started with the app with minimal development friction.
Being a hacky demo app, this is meant to be used as a reference to how you can begin making your own apps powered by Google AI vision. I utilized the Lumen framework for making this, so please follow their installation guide.
Pffft. Here you go.. Pay better attention next time!
First, follow the Laravel/Lumen documentation closely on how to setup the project. Initialize your environmental file, then make sure to generate your own Google Vision AI secret key. I'm not sharing my API secret ;)
If you wish to get a project that you're ambitious about getting bootstrapped asap, and wish to pair with me to bring into realization, you can find my contact details at: My Website
This Demo is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.