This role installs SuiteCRM. Default value for suitecrm_repo
variable is SuiteCRM official repository github official repo.
You need a server running GNU+Linux (with rsync and unzip), Apache, PHP and MySQL. You can use the following roles:
In the local machine git
is required.
- suitecrm_repo_name: SuiteCRM
- suitecrm_repo: ""
- suitecrm_repo_key_file: [sshkey path, optional - can be used to specify the ssh key to use when cloning]
- suitecrm_version: v7.8.3
- suitecrm_repo_clean: false
- suitecrm_dest: /var/www/html/suitecrm
- suitecrm_mysql_user: Database user
- suitecrm_mysql_user_password: Database user password
- suitecrm_mysql_db: Database name
- suitecrm_mysql_host: Database host
- suitecrm_admin_user_name: Admin user_name
- suitecrm_admin_password: Admin password
- suitecrm_setup_system_name: SuiteCRM deployed with Ansible
- suitecrm_setup_site_url: "http://localhost/suitecrm"
- suitecrm_log_dir: /var/log/suitecrm
- suitecrm_default_language: es_ES
- suitecrm_translations_file: URL of the translations file
- suitecrm_remote_user: debian
- suitecrm_apache_user: www-data
- suitecrm_apache_group: www-data
- suitecrm_install_from_scratch: true (set to false to clone the repo and set permissions only)
- suitecrm_install_translations: true
- suitecrm_composer_install: true
- suitecrm_composer_no_dev: true
Variable suitecrm_version
is SuiteCRM version (git branch or tag) you want to install.
We strongly recommend LTS versions.
This role depends on gcoop-libre.deploy-git-repos
- hosts: servers
become: yes
suitecrm_remote_user: debian
- role: gcoop-libre.suitecrm
Created with love by gcoop Cooperativa de Software Libre.