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iCloud3 v3.0, Beta 20 (8/1/2023)

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@gcobb321 gcobb321 released this 31 Jul 22:24
· 103 commits to main since this release

iCloud3 is fast approaching the Release Candidate stage of development. I'm looking at one item that I doubt anyone is using (Tracking from other zones) and, once I make a few adjustments to several items, I'll be ready to release it. Thanks for giving it a try.


Update Notes

There are several important items in this release:

  1. The Device Tracker State value (home (Home), not_home (Away), YourZone, etc. can now be configured to use the HA method of assigning the value by searching the Zones you have set up in HA or the iCloud3 method of determining the zone that takes considers GPS accuracy and prevents GPS wandering that can cause a zone exit when it did not really happen. This is configurable on the Format Parameters screen. See the Change Log below for more information.
  2. The Stationary Zone Timer was being reset when the location data was old and a request for a new location was being handled. This causes delays moving the Device into a Stationary Zone. Sometimes the device would not move into a Stationary Zone at all because it was the timer was constantly being reset. This has been fixed.
  3. There were some changes to icons, to the event log and a few other bugs were fixed.
    See the Change Log below for more information

Important Links

Download and Install - Go to the iCloud3 Releases page here. Scroll down past the notes, then select Assets, then select Download the zip file and unzip it into the /config/custom_components/icloud3 directory. Then restart HA.
Installing using HACS - iCloud3 is not available on HACS unless you have set it up as a custom repository.
See here for instructions on how to do that and then install it. If you just go to HACS and do the installation, you will be installing v2.4.7, not v3.
Migrating from v2.4._ - See here for instructions on migrating from from an older version.
iCloud3 v3 Documentation - It is still in process, does not include the latest updates to iCloud3 and can be found here
Change Logs - See the notes below:

Change Logs, Beta 20 - 8/1/2023

  1. Bug Fixes

    1. Fixed a problem displaying the iCloud3 Configure Settings screen on an iPad or iPhone from the iOS App.
    2. Fixed a problem requesting a new Apple Verification code from the Enter/Request Apple Verification code screen when it was selected from the HA Notifications > iCloud3 Reconfigure.
    3. Fixed a problem logging into the iCloud Account after getting an Invalid iCloud Account username/passwor error.
  2. Device Tracker State Value Source parameter (New parameter) - The Device tracker state value is generated by HA based on the gps coordinates. When the device's location is updated, HA uses the lat/long to determine if that location is in one of it's zones. If it is in a zone, the state is set to 'home' if it is in the Home Zone or the zone's friendly name if it is in another zone. It is set to 'not_home' if it is not in a zone. This does not take the gps accuracy into consideration and gps wandering will take it out of the zone and set it to 'not_home'. iCloud3 overcomes this by creating it's own [devicename]_zone sensor (zone entity name) and [devicename]_zone_fname sensor (zone friendly name-the one HA uses and displays).

    This new parameter lets you select the state value to use:

    1. iCloud3 Zone Friendly Name
    2. iCloud3 Zone Display Name used on the Event Log
    3. HA zone based on the gps coordinates.

    Note: When iCloud3 is restarted and the device is in a Stationary Zone, the HA zone information is not updated on a timely basis so iCloud3 and the HA App on the devices still have the Stationary Zone information where HA may not. iCloud3 and the iOS App put the device in the Station Zone and HA sets it's state value to 'not_home'. This is not resolved until the next location is requested. To solve this, iCloud3 always sets the state value to the Stationary Zone friendly name when it is in a Stationary Zone.

  3. Stationary Zone:

    1. Found that the Stationary Zone timer was being reset when an old location had been detected and the location update resulted in a good location. This delayed a device from moving into a Stationary Zone until it's still time interval was reached again 8-minutes from now. This would happen again if the location was old again the next time it was checked, further delaying a device from moving into a Stationary Zone. This has been fixed.
    2. Moving into a Stationary Zone will now happen much sooner after it's timer had expired. It now will be done as soon as it expires instead of the second or third update update after it had expired.
    3. Changed some of the text messages in the Event Log dealing with the Stationary Zone for consistency.
    4. Restart - When HA & iCloud3 restarts, the Stationary Zones do not exist yet. However, a device's Restore State data used during a restart will have Stationary Zone information (names, travel directioys, current status) in it's restore sensor values until the initial locate is done. The device's sensors would be set to a Station Zone incorrectly. This has been fixed.
  4. Sensor tweaks:

    1. _arrival_time - Changed the icon to better show when the device was in the zone (house/map icon solid = arrived) or when you will arrive (house/map icon not solid = calculated arrival time).
    2. _zone_distance & _home_distance - Changed the icon to show if you are going towards Home, away from Home or at Home.
    3. _battery - Added the iOS App battery sensors entity names that are monitored to the sensor attributes.
  5. Waze times and distances are now available when less than 2-minutes from home or a tracked-from zone.

  6. Monitored Devices - The iOS App battery and location information was not displayed for monitored devices. This has been fixed.

  7. Event Log - The iCloud3 and Event Log versions are displayed when you hover over Actions. Also made some other formatting changes.

  8. Other internal changes.