- PhoneGap Version : 3.3
PhoneGap plugin for creating and manipulating native canvas without UIWebView for ultra performance.
cordova plugin add https://github.com/Wizcorp/phonegap-plugin-wizCanvas
cordova build
< or >
phonegap local plugin add https://github.com/Wizcorp/phonegap-plugin-wizCanvas
phonegap build
wizCanvas looks automatically for an index.js file in www/assets/canvas/
if you wish to ignore this and load from another relative location, use wizCanvas.load()
In Xcode Build Settings, add the following 2 lines in the Header Path
"$(SRCROOT)/<your project name>/Plugins/jp.wizcorp.phonegap.plugin.wizCanvasPlugin/lib"
"$(SRCROOT)/<your project name>/Plugins/jp.wizcorp.phonegap.plugin.wizCanvasPlugin/lib/JavaScriptCore"
In Xcode Build Settings, add the following 2 lines in the Library Search Path
"$(SRCROOT)/<your project name>/Plugins/jp.wizcorp.phonegap.plugin.wizCanvasPlugin/lib"
"$(SRCROOT)/<your project name>/Plugins/jp.wizcorp.phonegap.plugin.wizCanvasPlugin/lib/JavaScriptCore"
In Xcode Build Settings remove armv7s
from valid architectures.
Currently, only 1 canvas view can be created. View is hidden after creation.
wizCanvas.create(String viewName, JSONObject options, Function success, Function fail);
Options list;
src: "my/local/script.js" [relative to www/]
height: 300, [accepts "300px", "30%" - default: fills height]
width: 300, [accepts "300px", "30%" - default: fills width]
x: 0,
y: 0,
top: 0, [string, pixels or percent - default: 0]
bottom: 0, [string, pixels or percent - default: 0]
left: 0, [pixels or percent - default: 0]
right: 0, [string, pixels or percent - default: 0]
backgroundColor: [Colour as hex RGB/ARGB/RRGGBB or "transparent"]
onTop: false [Default: true. Transparency can only be used when onTop is true][Android Only]
** Note - Android does not yet support String " px" values or " %" values **
wizCanvas.load(String viewName, String URI or URL, Function success, Function fail);
wizCanvas.setLayout(String viewName, JSONObject options, Function success, Function fail);
See create
API for a list of options.
wizCanvas.show(String viewName, JSONObject options, Function success, Function fail);
A list of animations;
- slideInFromLeft
- slideInFromRight
- slideInFromTop
- slideInFromBottom
- fadeIn
Example animation Object;
options : {
animation: {
type: "fadeIn",
duration: "300"
** NOTE : Animation options not yet fully supported! **
wizCanvas.hide(String viewName, JSONObject options, Function success, Function fail);
A list of animations;
- slideOutFromLeft
- slideOutFromRight
- slideOutFromTop
- slideOutFromBottom
- fadeOut
Example animation Object;
options : {
animation: {
type: "fadeOut",
duration: "300"
** NOTE : Animation options not yet fully supported! **
To send a messsage to a view based on W3C post message API... for more information on the MessageEvent API, see: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-html5-20080610/comms.HTMLElement
wizCanvasMessenger.postMessage(Data message, String targetView);
is Data as Array, String, Number, ObjecttargetView
is the string name of the target view.- to reach Cordova window,
Add an event listener in the html that wishes to receive the message...
window.addEventListener('message', listeningFunction, false);
In canvas use the following to receive messages from Cordova's page
wizCanvasMessenger.addEventListener('message', listeningFunction);
Example receiver;
function listeningFunction (e) {
// Event data object comes in here
// e.data - message data
// e.origin - the origin of the data
// e.target - the target for the data