This one of the simplest OVA binary classifier parallelization using hadoop. There are two classifiers which are supported,
a) Linear Binary SVM (using Dual co-ordinate descent , no kernels , sorry )
b) Regularized Logistic Regression
The classifier for each class is trained in Parallel.
The script generated a set of classes. You need to manually add to a JAR file and add the appropriate libraries. For simplicity, I've also included an eclipse project file which contains the entire project.
There are basically 3 supported operations
- Convert the dataset into seqfile format
- Train a classifier on a dataset in seqfile format
- Predict the outcome of the classifier on a dataset in seqfile format
Each line of the input dataset must be of the format
[,]+ [ feature-id:feature-value]+ #
To convert the CLEF dataset (can be downloaded from in the folder, run
hadoop jar MulticlassClassifier.jar hadoop.Converter \
-D gc.Converter.input=datasets/clef/text/ \
-D gc.Converter.output=datasets/clef/seqfile \
Where the HDFS path datasets/clef/text/ contains the input dataset. The output HDFS path contains the same data in a seq-file format
Two types of classifiers are supported - BinarySVM and Regularized Logistic Regression. Basically, the mapper trains a classifier for each class-label in the dataset in parallel.
To train Binary svm on the seqfile generated above,
hadoop jar hblr.jar hadoop.TrainingDriver \
-D \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.dataset=datasets/clef/seqfile/ \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.output=datasets/clef/params/svm/ \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.input=datasets/clef/leaflabels/ \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.classifier=svm \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.svm.C=1 \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.svm.eps=.1 \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.svm.maxiter=1000
This trains a binary-svm for each class-label (separated by newlines) from the input file gc.TrainingDriver.input and uses the dataset located at gc.TrainingDriver.dataset and stores the resulting weight-vectors at gc.TrainingDriver.output. The parameters of the SVM are given using gc.TrainingDriver.svm.{C,eps,maxiter}
Note that the gc.TrainingDriver.dataset MUST contain a '/' at the end.
datasets/clef/leaflabels/ contains a file which has the list of all class-labels (newline separated) present in the dataset.
gc.TrainingDriver.svm.{C,eps,maxiter} are the parameters SVM.
- C is the regularization term [default value is 1] .5*||w||^2 + C \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} max(1-y_i*(w^T x_i),0)
- eps is the termination condition
- maxiter is the maximum number of iterations to run.
To train a logistic regression,
hadoop jar hblr.jar hadoop.TrainingDriver \
-D \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.dataset=datasets/clef/seqfile/ \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.output=datasets/clef/params/lr/ \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.input=datasets/clef/leaflabels/ \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.classifier=lr \
-D \
-D \
-D gc.TrainingDriver.svm.maxnfn=1000
The default value of is .1, which is insufficient for most datasets. Make sure you change to a stricter value like 1e-4 as above.
Ideally you want to test a dataset different than the training set. But here, the same training dataset is used
hadoop jar hblr.jar hadoop.TestingDriver \
-D \
-D gc.TestingDriver.dataset=datasets/clef/seqfile/ \
-D gc.TestingDriver.output=datasets/clef/pred/\
-D gc.TestingDriver.input=datasets/clef/params/svm/\
-D gc.TestingDriver.rank=2
This stores the 2 (gc.TestingDriver.rank) highest scoring class-labels at location gc.TestingDriver.output of the testing-dataset located at gc.TestingDriver.dataset, using the trained weight-vectors located at gc.TestingDriver.input.
- and are the implementation of Limited Memory BFGS and associated line search by [email protected]
- is a re-implementation of the dual co-ordinate descent for L2 regularized L1 Support Vector Machines by
Siddharth Gopal (gcdart@gmail) CMU, Pittsburgh