I did some research on the SSL usage of .is domains and I wrote a blog about it.
I wrote the blog about a dataset I gathered from checking 17.4K .is URLs. After gathering the data for it I recieved 2 additional URL lists that increased my URL list to 53K. Out of those 53K, 27,5K didn't answer http requests and 43K didn't answer https requests.
After running the larger set I did a quick look and the statistics I gathered presented in the blog scaled-ish. so I see no need to modify the blog itself. However I had some requests to publish the raw data. Which is the purpose of this repo
this repo is just a json file and this file explaining it
'https_redir': True, # Does port 80 forward to 443
'name': 'totallyarealurl.is', # The URL in question
'notbefore': 'NotBefore: Mar3112: 10: 422018GMT', # Start date of cert in a mangled format, sorry about that
'notafter': 'NotAfter: Jun2912: 10: 422018GMT', # End date of cert in the same mangled format
'https_code': <Response[200]>, # What response code we got from https
'http_code': <Response[200]>, # What response code we got from http
'validity': 'valid', # This field seems to have failed to populate during construction of JSON
'issuer': u"Johnies Cert Services" # The cert issuer, if any