Version: 1.0
Wrapper library for CodeIgniter's Cache driver. CI-Caching is based on the Cache Library from Phil Sturgeon ( so you can cache your models and libraries calls.
- PHP 5.2+
- CodeIgniter 2.0.x and upper
- APC or Memcached PECL extensions depending on the cache system you are using.
- Copy all files to your application folder
- Edit caching.php file in the config folder to specify your cache preferences. Default adapter is APC.
// load caching library
// cached model call
$this->caching->model('food_model', 'getPlates', array($meal_type)); // keep for 60 seconds (Default)
// cached library call
$this->caching->library('menu', 'menu_endtime', array($supplier_id), 120); // keep for 2 minutes
// cached other data
$this->caching->save('product_id', $data, 120);
$data = $this->caching->get('product_id');
// delete chached data
// delete all chached data
// check if especific adapter is supported