#C++ Dynamic Sanitizers Review - Test Suite
##Overview This repository contains C++ test code and support scripts developed to easily compare Memory Sanitizer tools like Valgrind, ASAN, Dr.Memory, etc
Review Results
##Licence The MIT License (MIT)
##Branch Model This repository is following GitHub Flow branch model Read more @ GitHub Flow before you commit changes to this repository.
##Requirements The following are required for building this source code.
- GCC 4.9.3 or above
##Building Normal Build
/usr/local/gcc-4.9.3/bin/g++ -o MCTester -O -g -Wall main.cpp
ASAN Build
/usr/local/gcc-4.9.3/bin/g++ -o MCTester_ASAN -static-libstdc++ -static-libasan -O -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wall main.cpp
##Running e.g. Run only Test 1;
/mnt/ValgrindInstallations/SuSE-11-SP3/valgrind-3.11.0/vg-in-place --tool=memcheck MCTester 1 1
MCTester_ASAN 1 1
/mnt/DrMemory-Linux-1.10.0-2/bin>./drmemory -light -- MCTester 1 1
##Additional Settings Run Time flags of ASAN
export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1:verbose=1
detect_leaks will enable LeakSanitizer (LSAN) with ASAN
Options to enable when running Valgrind
with --keep-stacktraces=none --undef-value-errors=no options to be inline with ASAN features
Options to enable when running Dr.Memory
-light : This will not detect uninitialized read and memory leak errors (to be inline with ASAN features)
-light -count_leaks : This will not detect uninitialized read errors, but lists leak errors.
##Major features
- Test suite can be run all tests e.g. MCTester_ASAN
- Test suite can run range of tests e.g. MCTester_ASAN 1 - 10
- Test suite can run tests starting from a test MCTester_ASAN 10 - this will execute all 10,11,12,....
- Test suite can run individual test e.g. MCTester_ASAN 1 1 - will execute only Test 1