This app connects to Flicker API and displays a list of Photos based on its tag.
- This app list out the different tags and respective photos as a gallery module.
- The list is displaying in a way that can be scrolled infinitely to load more photos.
- Photos are grouped using tags/category, each section is having the name of said tag/category.
- Each section/group contains one row, that is having a horizontal scrolling -infinite- set of items.
- Each item is having an image.
- When a photo is selected(cell) a new detail view is displayed that contain a larger photo.
- Photos returned by the api are cached locally using SDWebImage library.
- Users of this app can fetch photos by searching for any particular keyword.
- App use Auto Layout to support running in all iPhone screen sizing.
- App uses custom animation between the photo list and photo detail view.
- App support localisation for Hindi and English language.
- Version - 1.0
- Deployment Target - 12.1
- Language - Swift
We have used extended version of MVP for making project enterprise ready and ease to expand, test.
- Model Layer: Responsible for holding the related data for the specific task or purpose.
- View Layer: Represents the user interface for the application window.
- Presenter: Works as a medium for interacting with the external components of the application.
- Manager layer: Extra Layer for separating the network layer from the interface or view logic.
- API Request layer: Responsible for calling web api for fetching data from server.
- Service Manager: Global Single end point to interact with the web based api’s.
- Error Transformer: Responsible for constructing error and mapping with the user relevant message.
- Response Wrapper: Listener and navigator for transferring the data or error to the presenter layer.
- Base View Controller: Contains reusable methods to be used by UIViewController i.e. show/hide loader etc.
- AFNetworking for network layer.
- SDWebImage for image caching.
- ESPullToRefresh for infinite scrolling.
- SVProgressHUD for loader.
- This app is using following Flicker's API:
- Category/Header listing:
- Search result:<api_key>&per_page=<per_page_limit>&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&text=&page=<current_page>
- Repo owner or admin
- Other community or team contact