Small project to see how tapir can be integrated with akka http
- jdk 11
- scala 2.13.8
- sbt 1.7.1
The project has three modules.
- todo-endpoints: the meta description of the endpoints that the REST API have
- todo-api-spec: generates de Open API spec
- todo-server: the implementation of the server logic
The server can be executed in Dev or Prod mode. The default port
is 8080
, but it can be overridden if the
variable server-config.port
is set.
Execute the following command
sbt server/run
First a build must be created running the following command
sbt server/stage
A binary file will be created in the directory todo-server/target/universal/stage/bin/
. It can be executed as a
regular bash script.
- Tapir: 1.0.3
- akka: 2.6.19
- akka-http: 10.2.9
- Nimbus Jose JWT: 9.23
- The Rest API is deployed in heroku platform.
- The demo con be found in ToDo Tapir Akka Http
- Kamon telemetry is the tool selected to generate metrics
- Kamon APM is used as the observability tool of this project