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GitHub Actions / E2E report yarn test-rolldown succeeded Dec 2, 2024 in 0s

E2E report yarn test-rolldown ✅

Tests passed successfully

✅ e2eTests/reports/junit.xml-d69a3e10-b0d5-11ef-b8fc-7d11115a39ce.xml

12 tests were completed in 2274s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test/sequential/rolldown.cancel.test.ts 4✅ 1458s
test/sequential/rolldown.forceUpdate.test.ts 8✅ 817s

✅ test/sequential/rolldown.cancel.test.ts

✅ Active Sequencer -> Active -> canceled update -> Can not leave
✅ GIVEN a slashed sequencer, WHEN slashed it can not provide any update / cancel until the next session ( if gets elected )
✅ GIVEN a cancel, WHEN is justified then its stored for the batch corresponding to the network
✅ GIVEN a cancel, WHEN is not justified then its stored for the batch corresponding to the network

✅ test/sequential/rolldown.forceUpdate.test.ts

✅ forceUpdateL2FromL1 can be called by Sudo
✅ forceUpdateL2FromL1 can't be called by non-sudo user
✅ Validate that forceCancelRequestsFromL1 can be called by Sudo
✅ Validate that forceCancelRequestsFromL1 can't be called by non-sudo user
✅ forceUpdateL2FromL1 does not wait for a dispute period
✅ forceCancelRequest does not need any resolution to justify the cancellation
Seq1 do an update and seq2 cancel it
  ✅ When forceUpdateL2FromL1 and Justified=false then the slashed is the canceler and sequencerStatus is updated accordingly
  ✅ When forceUpdateL2FromL1 and Justified=true then the slashed is the updater and sequencerStatus is updated accordingly