afollestad, app-theme-engine's developer took the repo down for the project when he discontinued it. Many apps still depend on it, so I kept my fork up as a mirror. However, I recommend using my own Colorful library as a better alternative that is not out of support.
App Theme Engine is a library that makes it easy for developers to implement a theme system in their apps.
If your app has two themes, a light theme and a dark theme, do not use this library to configure them. Only use this library if you intend to give the user the ability to change the color of UI elements in your app.
- Gradle Dependency
- How It Works
- Installation
- Configuration
- Color Tags
- Other Tags
- Customizers
- Material Dialogs Integration
- Preference UI
Add this in your root build.gradle
file (not your module build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add this to your module's build.gradle
file (make sure the version matches the JitPack badge above):
dependencies {
compile('com.github.garretyoder:app-theme-engine:1.5@aar') {
transitive = true
ATE installs a LayoutInflaterFactory
into your app. This factory acts as an interceptor during
layout inflation, and replaces stock Android views with custom views that are able to theme themselves.
ATE also includes a tag engine which allows you to customize the theming of views at a detailed and dynamic level.
The first option is to have all of your Activities extend ATEActivity
. This will do all the heavy
lifting for you.
public class MyActivity extends ATEActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// This method is optional, you can change Config keys between
// different Activities. This will become useful later.
public String getATEKey() {
return null;
If you don't want to use ATEActivity
, you can plug ATE into your already existing
Activities with a bit of extra code.
public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private long updateTime = -1;
// Again, this method will become useful later
public String getATEKey() {
return null;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Applies initial theming, required before super.onCreate()
ATE.preApply(this, getATEKey());
// Sets the startup time to check for value changes later
updateTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
protected void onStart() {
// Performs post-inflation theming
ATE.postApply(this, getATEKey());
protected void onResume() {
// Checks if values have changed since the Activity was previously paused.
// Causes Activity recreation if necessary.
ATE.invalidateActivity(this, updateTime, getATEKey());
protected void onPause() {
// Cleans up resources if the Activity is finishing
if (isFinishing())
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Themes the overflow icon in the toolbar, along with
// the collapse icon for widgets such as SearchViews.
ATE.themeOverflow(this, getATEKey());
return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
Without any configuration setup by you, default theme values will be used throughout your app.
Default theme values would mean attributes used by AppCompat, such as colorPrimary
and colorAccent
The major benefit of using ATE is the fact that you can dynamically change theme colors in your
apps, rather than relying on static themes in styles.xml
for everything.
The ATE.config(Context, String)
method allows you to setup configuration. ALl of the methods
chained below are optional, comments explain what they do:
// Context and optional Config key as parameters to config()
ATE.config(this, null)
// 0 to disable, sets a default theme for all Activities which use this config key
// true by default, colors support action bars and toolbars
// defaults to colorPrimary attribute value
// when true, primaryColorDark is auto generated from primaryColor
// defaults to colorPrimaryDark attribute value
// defaults to colorAccent attribute value
// by default, is equal to primaryColorDark's value
// true by default, setting to false disables coloring even if statusBarColor is set
// dark status bar icons on Marshmallow (API 23)+, auto uses light status bar mode when primaryColor is light
// sets a color for all toolbars, defaults to primaryColor() value.
// this also gets correctly applied to CollapsingToolbarLayouts.
// when on, makes the toolbar navigation icon, title, and menu icons black
// by default, is equal to primaryColor unless coloredNavigationBar is false
// false by default, setting to false disables coloring even if navigationBarColor is set
// defaults to ?android:textColorPrimary attribute value
// defaults to ?android:textColorPrimaryInverse attribute value
// defaults to ?android:textColorSecondary attribute value
// defaults to ?android:textColorSecondaryInverse attribute value
// true by default, setting to false disables the automatic use of the next 4 modifiers.
// Color of selected NavigationView item icon. Defaults to your accent color.
// Color of selected NavigationView item text. Defaults to your accent color.
// Color of non-selected NavigationView item icon. Defaults to Material Design guideline color.
// Color of non-selected NavigationView item text. Defaults to Material Design guideline color.
// Background of selected NavigationView item. Defaults to Material Design guideline color.
// Sets the text size in sp for bodies, can use textSizePxForMode or textSizeResForMode too.
.textSizeSpForMode(16, Config.TEXTSIZE_BODY)
// application target as parameter, accepts different parameter types/counts
Methods which are used to set color have a literal variation, resource variation, and attribute variation.
For an example, you could use navigationBarColor(int)
to set the nav bar color to a literal color, you
could use navigationBarColorRes(int)
to set a color from a color resource (e.g. R.color.primary_color
or you could use navigationBarColorAttr(int)
to set a color from a theme attribute (e.g. R.attr.colorPrimary
It's possible there are configuration methods I forgot to include in the code block above. So feel free to experiment.
The second parameter in the ATE.config(Context, String)
is an optional configuration key. You can pass
different keys to setup different configurations.
For an example, you could do this:
ATE.config(this, "light_theme")
ATE.config(this, "dark_theme")
From an Activity, you could use these configuration keys:
public class MyActivity extends ATEActivity {
public String getATEKey() {
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
boolean useDark = prefs.getBoolean("dark_theme", false);
return useDark ? "dark_theme" : "light_theme";
You could dynamically change the primary theme color in this Activity by changing the value
of dark_theme
in your SharedPreferences
. This is how dynamic theming starts.
Preferably, you'd want to setup your default configuration in your default styles.xml
theme for your
Activities. However, there are probably some theme values you'd want to set defaults for directly from
code. It can be done like this:
// The default configuration (no config key) has NOT been set before
if (!ATE.config(this, null).isConfigured()) {
// Setup default options for the default (null) key
There is a variation of isConfigured()
that takes an integer as a parameter. This can be
used to make configuration upgrades. An example of where this would be useful is if you had to change
something which required current users to have new defaults when they update your app. Increasing
the number passed to isConfigured()
will return false if that number hadn't been passed and setup before.
Using the Config
class, you can retrieve your set theme values from code.
int primaryColor = Config.primaryColor(this, null);
The second parameter is an optional configuration key as discussed above.
There are some situations in which you'll want Activities to recreate themselves even though
a value within Config
had not been changed.
A good example of this is the Sample app for this library. When you switch between the light or dark theme, it saves a value to the app's preferences, but nothing in ATE's configuration is changed. Activities are forced to recreate themselves so that they use a different ATE key during creation.
You can mark configuration as changed to do this:
Config.markChanged(this, null);
You can also mark multiple configuration keys as changed:
Config.markChanged(this, "light_theme", "dark_theme");
ATE tags can be set to your views to customize theme colors at a per-view level.
You can have multiple tags set to a single view, separated by commas.
android:tag="text_color|primary_color" />
The structure of an ATE tag is like this:
Categories will be discussed below, but you should first know what colors can be used along side them.
- checks the background colors of the view's parent, and uses a light or dark color in order to be visible.primary_color_dependent
- uses a light or dark color based on the lightness of the primary theme color in order to be visible.accent_color_dependent
- uses a light or dark color based on the lightness of the accent theme color in order to be visible.window_bg_dependent
- uses a light or dark color based on the lightness of the window background color in order to be visible.
The category for background colors is background
. This can be used on all views.
More color options can be seen in Colors Options.
The category for text colors is text_color
. It can be used on any instance of TextView
, including Button
More color options can be seen in Colors Options.
The category for text hint colors is text_color_hint
. It can be used on any instance of TextView
, including Button
More color options can be seen in Colors Options.
The category for text link colors is text_color_link
. It can be used on any instance of TextView
, including Button
More color options can be seen in Colors Options.
The category for text shadow colors is text_color_shadow
. It can be used on any instance of TextView
, including Button
More color options can be seen in Colors Options.
The category for tinting is tint
. It can be used on widget views, such as: CheckBox
, RadioButton
, ProgressBar
, EditText
, ImageView
, Switch
, SwitchCompat
, Spinner
. Tinting affects the color of view elements, such
as the underline of an EditText
and its cursor. It can also change the color of icons in an ImageView
More color options can be seen in Colors Options.
The category for background tinting is tint_background
, it can be used on all views. Basically, it changes
the background color of a view without changing the background entirely.
The category for selector tinting is tint_selector
or tint_selector_lighter
. tint_selector_lighter
will make the view lighter when pressed, versus being darker when pressed. This tag can be used on any
view, preferably views that respond to touch. An example of how this could be used is to change the color of a
pressable button.
``xml tint_selector|primary_color
// or
More color options can be seen in [Colors Options](
#### TabLayouts
The categories for `TabLayout` theming are `tab_text` and `tab_indicator`. `tab_text` changes the color of
tab titles, `tab_indicator` changes the color of the active tab underline (along with tab icons).
// or
More color options can be seen in Colors Options.
The category for edge glow tinting is edge_glow
. It can be used on ScrollView
, ListView
, NestedScrollView
, and ViewPager
(along with subclasses of them). It changes the color of the overscroll animation
(e.g. what happens if you scroll to the end and attempt to keep scrolling).
More color options can be seen in Colors Options.
Tags which are not related to color are listed here. See an intro of what tags are in Color Tags.
The category for font tags is font
. It can be used on TextView
or any subclass of it, including Button
The value after the pipe for this category is the name of a font file in your project's assets
folder. ATE
handles caching your fonts automatically: if you use the same font in multiple places, it only gets allocated once.
The category for text size is text_size
. It can be used on TextView
or any subclass of it, including Button
The options that can go after the pipe are:
- defaults to 12spbody
- defaults to 14spsubheading
- defaults to 16sptitle
- defaults to 20spheadline
- defaults to 24spdisplay1
- defaults to 34spdisplay2
- defaults to 45spdisplay3
- defaults 56spdisplay4
- defaults to 112sp
The defaults above are taken from the Material Design guidelines. These
values can all be changed using an option in ATE.config(Context, String)
If you set a view's tag to ate_ignore
, ATE will skip theming it (even with defaults).
Customizers are interfaces your Activities can implement to specify theme values without saving them in your Configuration.
public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements
ATECollapsingTbCustomizer {
public int getActivityTheme() {
// Self explanatory. Can be used to override activityTheme() config value if set.
public int getLightToolbarMode(@Nullable Toolbar forToolbar) {
// When on, toolbar icons and text are made black when the toolbar background is light
public int getToolbarColor(@Nullable Toolbar forToolbar) {
// Normally toolbars are the primary theme color
return Color.BLACK;
public int getStatusBarColor() {
// Normally the status bar is a darker version of the primary theme color
return Color.RED;
public int getLightStatusBarMode() {
// When on, status bar icons and text are made black when the primary theme color is light (API 23+)
public int getTaskDescriptionColor() {
// Task description is the color of your Activity's entry in Android's recents screen.
// Alpha component of returned color is always stripped.
return Color.GREEN;
public Bitmap getTaskDescriptionIcon() {
// Returning null falls back to the default (app's launcher icon)
return null;
public int getNavigationBarColor() {
// Navigation bar is usually either black, or equal to the primary theme color
return Color.BLUE;
public int getExpandedTintColor() {
return Color.GRAY;
public int getCollapsedTintColor() {
return Color.DARKGRAY;
Since Material Dialogs is one of my libraries, I decided it would be a good idea to have some sort of integration with ATE.
Luckily, nothing has to be done by you for it to work. Dialogs created with Material Dialogs will automatically be themed using your ATE configurations.
You obviously need to have Material Dialogs added as a dependency in your app, in order for it to work.
Important note: you need to have Material Dialogs added as a dependency to your apps in order for these classes to work. Material Dialogs is a provided dependency in ATE, meaning it will not use it if depending apps don't.
As seen in the sample project, ATE includes a set of pre-made Preference classes that handle theming their own UI in your settings screen. They also use Material Dialogs, and enable Material Dialogs integration automatically when used. The preference classes include:
– doesn't actually display a dialog, just displays a color indicator on the right. Setting display color and displaying a dialog is done from the settings screen.ATEPreferenceCategory
– used for section headers, see the sample project for an example.
In your settings screen, the title will be themed to the primary text color, the summary will be themed to the secondary text color. The actual dialogs are themed using the logic in Material Dialogs Integration.
You can specify config keys through your XML. For an example, you can use a theme attribute set from your Activity theme, which specifies a string (see the sample project):
app:ateKey_pref_color="?ate_key" />
is suffixed with the preference type. Android Studio will auto complete the name for you for other preference types.