The tools for accessing SecurePass from command line. These utilities use the SecurePass public APIs to manage identities.
More information on the APIs here:
Note: For OS X, ensure you have the following while compiling pycurl: export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl
This program is released under GPLv2 See LICENSE file for details
Configuration only for cli tools should be placed in: /etc/securepass.conf /usr/local/etc/securepass.conf or securepass.conf in current local directory. For an example check out securepass.conf.example
The Django backend for SecurePass RESTful APIs authenticated and sync information from SecurePass (first name, last name, e-mail) each time, so that information is up to date. Also state of enable/disable is reflected in is_active, so that the user is automatically disabled.
Note: we do not handle staff at this time. For future that will be reflected into groups.
The following settings have to be put into
SP_APP_ID = <<SecurePass APP ID>>
SP_APP_SECRET = <<SecurePass APP Secret>>
SP_ENDPOINT = <<endpoint if different from default>>
SP_AUTOCREATE_USER = <<True/False, autocreate user if not in database>>
Put securepass-tools in installed apps
Put the django authentication backend