Use this lib to send keyboard events to the operational system.
It uses a jar file (Java), so Java Run Time is required on the operational system you are running your node project (version 8 or above).
Bugs and issues: Please, post any issues to
- Send raw keyboard key codes to the operational system;
- Send one key;
- Send multiple keys pressed one after the other;
- Send multiple keys pressed together (combination);
- Delay between keys;
- Delay for each pressed key or each combination;
- Possibility to map key codes;
- Case correction for text;
- Multi platform (it will work in all operation systems that Java can run);
- It will send the key to the current focused application in the operational system;
- It is sensitive to the operational system, keyboard driver and phisical keyboard installed on the running platform.
Install it using npm:
npm install --save-dev node-key-sender
The command above will install and add the lib into your "package.json" file.
Each key in your keyboard is mapped with a key code. Although a physical keyboard key may have printed above its surface more than one key (for example ':' and ';'), both generate the same key code. So, do not confuse key codes with ASCII or UNICODE values, they are different things.
To make it clear, lets see an example: In american keyboard, the 16 value is the key code for Shift and the 59 value is the key code for the key ":;". So, in this scenario, to send ':' to the operational system, you should use key code 56. To send ';' you should send 16 + 56 as a combination (pressed together).
In languages that have accents (for example: portuguese and spanish), usually more than one key must be pressed one after another to make the letter with an accent. So 'õ' is the result of sending '~' and 'o'.
While you can send the key codes as numbers, the lib also have labels mapped for most of the keys. So, for key A you may send 'a' or 65. For Shift key you may send 'shift' or 16.
It is possible to change this mapping to convert accents automatically (if you are using a keyboard that supports it). Later in this doc I show how to do that.
Note that key codes may vary according to your running physical keyboard model, keyboard driver and operational system.
Sending one key:
var ks = require('node-key-sender');
Send multiple keys one after the other:
var ks = require('node-key-sender');
ks.sendKeys(['a', 'b', 'c']);
Send combination (pressed at the same time):
var ks = require('node-key-sender');
ks.sendCombination(['control', 'shift', 'v']);
Mapping accents:
var accentsMap = {
'ã': '@514 a',
'ẽ': '@514 e',
'ĩ': '@514 i',
'õ': '@514 o',
'ũ': '@514 u',
'Ã': '@514 A',
'Ẽ': '@514 E',
'Ĩ': '@514 I',
'Õ': '@514 O',
'Ũ': '@514 U',
'â': 'shift-@514 a',
'ê': 'shift-@514 e',
'î': 'shift-@514 i',
'ô': 'shift-@514 o',
'û': 'shift-@514 u',
'Â': 'shift-@514 A',
'Ê': 'shift-@514 E',
'Î': 'shift-@514 I',
'Ô': 'shift-@514 O',
'Û': 'shift-@514 U',
'à': 'shift-@192 a',
'è': 'shift-@192 e',
'ì': 'shift-@192 i',
'ò': 'shift-@192 o',
'ù': 'shift-@192 u',
'À': 'shift-@192 A',
'È': 'shift-@192 E',
'Ì': 'shift-@192 I',
'Ò': 'shift-@192 O',
'Ù': 'shift-@192 U',
'á': '@192 a',
'é': '@192 e',
'í': '@192 i',
'ó': '@192 o',
'ú': '@192 u',
'Á': '@192 A',
'É': '@192 E',
'Í': '@192 I',
'Ó': '@192 O',
'Ú': '@192 U',
'ç': '@192 c',
'Ç': '@192 C',
'ä': 'shift-@54 a',
'ë': 'shift-@54 e',
'ï': 'shift-@54 i',
'ö': 'shift-@54 o',
'ü': 'shift-@54 u',
'Ä': 'shift-@54 A',
'Ë': 'shift-@54 E',
'Ï': 'shift-@54 I',
'Ö': 'shift-@54 O',
'Ü': 'shift-@54 O'
var ks = require('node-key-sender');
ks.sendText("Héllõ Wíth Áçcents");
Sending batch:
var ks = require('node-key-sender');
.batchTypeKeys(['N', 'o', 'd', 'e'])
.batchTypeKey('N', 1000)
.batchTypeKey('o', 1000)
.batchTypeKey('d', 1000)
.batchTypeKey('e', 1000)
Setting global press delay (in milliseconds):
ks.setOption('globalDelayPressMillisec', 1000);
Setting global delay between keys (in milliseconds):
ks.setOption('globalDelayBetweenMillisec', 1000);
Setting start delay (in milliseconds):
ks.setOption('startDelayMillisec', 1000);
Turning off case correction:
ks.setOption('caseCorrection', false);
Use this methods if you want to send just a small amount of keys. Note that the jar file is called each time one of these methods are called:
sendKey(keyCode: string): Promise
Sends one key code.
sendKeys(arrKeyCodes: array): Promise
Sends multiple key codes.
sendLetter(letter: char): Promise
Sends a letter. A letter will be automatically converted to key code according to the keyboard layout configuration. You may set this configuration with cleanKeyboardLayout
, setKeyboardLayout
or aggregateKeyboardLayout
sendText(text: string): Promise
Sends a text. A text will have its letters automatically converted to key codes according to the keyboard layout configuration. You may set this configuration with cleanKeyboardLayout
, setKeyboardLayout
or aggregateKeyboardLayout
sendCombination(arrKeyCodes: array): Promise
Sends multiple key codes pressed together.
Use this methods to send a large amount of keys. The jar file is executed each time you call sendBatch
. You should start with startBatch
and end with sendBatch
Starts a batch.
sendBatch(): Promise
Sends the batch.
batchTypeKey(keyCode: string, waitMillisec: int, batchEvent: int)
Sends a key code. You may pass a delay it will wait until it presses the next key and also the type of event. Type of event is ks.BATCH_EVENT_KEY_PRESS
batchTypeKeys(arrKeyCodes: array)
Sends a list of key codes, pressed one after the other.
batchTypeCombination(arrKeys: array, waitMillisec: int, batchEvent: int)
Sends a combination - list of key codes that will be pressed together. You may pass a delay it will wait until it presses the next key and also the type of event. Type of event is ks.BATCH_EVENT_KEY_PRESS
batchTypeText(text: string)
Sends a text. A text will have its letters automatically converted to key codes according to the keyboard layout configuration. You may set this configuration with cleanKeyboardLayout
, setKeyboardLayout
or aggregateKeyboardLayout
Keyboard layout methods affects translation of letter to key code. They affect sendLetter
, sendText
, batchTypeText
and getKeyCode
cleanKeyboardLayout(): void
Resets the keyboard layout configuration.
setKeyboardLayout(newKeyMap: object): void
Sets a new keyboard layout. For example:
var keyboardLayout = {
'ç': '@192 c',
'Ç': '@192 C'
var ks = require('node-key-sender');
This keyboard layout converts letter 'Ç' to key codes '@192' and 'C'.
aggregateKeyboardLayout(objKeyMap: object): void
Appends the new mapping to the current mapping.
getKeyboardLayout(): object
Returns the current keyboard layout.
getKeyCode(letter: string)
Gets the key code of a letter. A letter will be automatically converted to key code according to the keyboard layout configuration. You may set this configuration with cleanKeyboardLayout
, setKeyboardLayout
or aggregateKeyboardLayout
setOption(optionName: string, optionValue: string)
Options that are passed as arguments to the jar. This is the list of valid options names:
- startDelayMillisec (int): Delay in milliseconds it will wait to press the first key.
- globalDelayPressMillisec (int): Global delay in milliseconds it will keep the key pressed.
- globalDelayBetweenMillisec (int): Global delay in milliseconds it will wait until it presses the next key.
- caseCorrection (boolean): When it is on, if you send key 'A' (in upper case), the jar will automatically hold Shift, so resulting key is 'A'.
- extra (string): Use may use it to send raw arguments to the jar file. Example: ' -c 1 -d 1000'.
execute(arrParams: array): Promise
Use this method if you want to directly call the jar file.
Some methods of this lib returns a promise:
function(stdout, stderr) {
// For success
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
// For error
The promise is resolved or rejected right after the jar finishes its execution.
List of methods that returns this promise: sendCombination
, sendKey
, sendKeys
, sendLetter
, sendText
, execute
, sendBatch
We recommend you search for key codes in the Java java.awt.event.KeyEvent class doc. The key codes are the constants starting with "VK_". To use it with this lib, just take out these three letters and you can use the rest of the constant name in lowercase. For example, VK_SHIFT constant you use "shift". VK_A constant you use 'a'. The constant numerical value can also be used with an "@" in the beginning. So "@16" for VK_SHIFT and "@65" for VK_A.
Use this website to get an idea of what key code is bound to each key of your current keyboard:
Below, the list of key codes:
Keyboard key | Label key code | Numerical key code |
Enter | "enter" | "@10" |
Backspace | "back_space" | "@8" |
Tab | "tab" | "@9" |
Shift | "shift" | "@16" |
Control | "control" | "@17" |
Alt | "alt" | "@18" |
Pause | "pause" | "@19" |
Caps Lock | "caps_lock" | "@20" |
Esc | "escape" | "@27" |
Space | "space" | "@32" |
Page Up | "page_up" | "@33" |
Page Down | "page_down" | "@34" |
End | "end" | "@35" |
Home | "home" | "@36" |
Left | "left" | "@37" |
Up | "up" | "@38" |
Right | "right" | "@39" |
Down | "down" | "@40" |
Comma | "comma" | "@44" |
Minus | "minus" | "@45" |
Period | "period" | "@46" |
Slash | "slash" | "@47" |
0 | "0" | "@48" |
1 | "1" | "@49" |
2 | "2" | "@50" |
3 | "3" | "@51" |
4 | "4" | "@52" |
5 | "5" | "@53" |
6 | "6" | "@54" |
7 | "7" | "@55" |
8 | "8" | "@56" |
9 | "9" | "@57" |
Semicolon | "semicolon" | "@59" |
Equals | "equals" | "@61" |
A | "a" | "@65" |
B | "b" | "@66" |
C | "c" | "@67" |
D | "d" | "@68" |
E | "e" | "@69" |
F | "f" | "@70" |
G | "g" | "@71" |
H | "h" | "@72" |
I | "i" | "@73" |
J | "j" | "@74" |
K | "k" | "@75" |
L | "l" | "@76" |
M | "m" | "@77" |
N | "n" | "@78" |
O | "o" | "@79" |
P | "p" | "@80" |
Q | "q" | "@81" |
R | "r" | "@82" |
S | "s" | "@83" |
T | "t" | "@84" |
U | "u" | "@85" |
V | "v" | "@86" |
W | "w" | "@87" |
X | "x" | "@88" |
Y | "y" | "@89" |
Z | "z" | "@90" |
Open bracket | "open_bracket" | "@91" |
Numpad 0 | "numpad0" | "@96" |
Numpad 1 | "numpad1" | "@97" |
Numpad 2 | "numpad2" | "@98" |
Numpad 3 | "numpad3" | "@99" |
Numpad 4 | "numpad4" | "@100" |
Numpad 5 | "numpad5" | "@101" |
Numpad 6 | "numpad6" | "@102" |
Numpad 7 | "numpad7" | "@103" |
Numpad 8 | "numpad8" | "@104" |
Numpad 9 | "numpad9" | "@105" |
Multiply | "multiply" | "@106" |
Add | "add" | "@107" |
Subtract | "subtract" | "@109" |
Decimal | "decimal" | "@110" |
Divide | "divide" | "@111" |
Delete | "delete" | "@127" |
Num Lock | "num_lock" | "@144" |
Scroll Lock | "scroll_lock" | "@145" |
F1 | "f1" | "@112" |
F2 | "f2" | "@113" |
F3 | "f3" | "@114" |
F4 | "f4" | "@115" |
F5 | "f5" | "@116" |
F6 | "f6" | "@117" |
F7 | "f7" | "@118" |
F8 | "f8" | "@119" |
F9 | "f9" | "@120" |
F10 | "f10" | "@121" |
F11 | "f11" | "@122" |
F12 | "f12" | "@123" |
F13 | "f13" | "@61440" |
F14 | "f14" | "@61441" |
F15 | "f15" | "@61442" |
F16 | "f16" | "@61443" |
F17 | "f17" | "@61444" |
F18 | "f18" | "@61445" |
F19 | "f19" | "@61446" |
F20 | "f20" | "@61447" |
F21 | "f21" | "@61448" |
F22 | "f22" | "@61449" |
F23 | "f23" | "@61450" |
F24 | "f24" | "@61451" |
Print Screen | "print_screen" | "@154" |
Insert | "insert" | "@155" |
Help | "help" | "@156" |
Meta | "meta" | "@157" |
Block Quote | "block_quote" | "@192" |
Quote | "quote" | "@222" |
Numeric Key Pad Up | "kp_up" | "@224" |
Numeric Key Pad Down | "kp_down" | "@225" |
Numeric Key Pad Left | "kp_left" | "@226" |
Numeric Key Pad Right | "kp_right" | "@227" |
Grave accent | "dead_grave" | "@128" |
Acute accent | "dead_acute" | "@129" |
Circumflex accent | "dead_circumflex" | "@130" |
Tilde accent | "dead_tilde" | "@131" |
Macron accent | "dead_macron" | "@132" |
Breve accent | "dead_breve" | "@133" |
Above dot accent | "dead_abovedot" | "@134" |
Diaeresis accent | "dead_diaeresis" | "@135" |
Abovering accent | "dead_abovering" | "@136" |
Double acute accent | "dead_doubleacute" | "@137" |
Caron accent | "dead_caron" | "@138" |
Cedilla accent | "dead_cedilla" | "@139" |
Ogonek accent | "dead_ogonek" | "@140" |
Iota accent | "dead_iota" | "@141" |
Voiced sound accent | "dead_voiced_sound" | "@142" |
Semi voiced sound accent | "dead_semivoiced_sound" | "@143" |
Ampersand | "ampersand" | "@150" |
Asterisk | "asterisk" | "@151" |
Double quote | "quotedbl" | "@152" |
Less | "less" | "@153" |
Greater | "greater" | "@160" |
Brace left | "braceleft" | "@161" |
Brace right | "braceright" | "@162" |
At | "at" | "@512" |
Colon | "colon" | "@513" |
Circumflex | "circumflex" | "@514" |
Dollar | "dollar" | "@515" |
Euro Sign | "euro_sign" | "@516" |
Exclamation Mark | "exclamation_mark" | "@517" |
Inverted exclamation mark | "inverted_exclamation_mark" | "@518" |
Left parenthesis | "left_parenthesis" | "@519" |
Right parenthesis | "right_parenthesis" | "@522" |
Number sign | "number_sign" | "@520" |
Plus | "plus" | "@521" |
Underscore | "underscore" | "@523" |
Windows | "windows" | "@524" |
Context menu | "context_menu" | "@525" |
Japanese PC 106 henkan | "convert" | "@28" |
Japanese PC 106 muhenkan | "nonconvert" | "@29" |
Japanese PC 106 eisu | "alphanumeric" | "@240" |
Japanese PC 106 katakana | "katakana" | "@241" |
Japanese PC 106 hiragana | "hiragana" | "@242" |
Japanese PC 106 zenkaku | "full_width" | "@243" |
Japanese PC 106 hankaku | "half_width" | "@244" |
Japanese PC 106 rouman-ji | "roman_characters" | "@245" |
Japanese PC 106 zenkouho | "all_candidates" | "@256" |
Japanese PC 106 maekouho | "previous_candidate" | "@257" |
Japanese PC 106 kanji bangou | "code_input" | "@258" |
Japanese PC 106 kana lock | "kana_lock" | "@262" |
Japanese PC 106 nihongo | "input_method_on_off" | "@263" |
Japanese Solaris kakutei | "accept" | "@30" |
Japanese Solaris kana lock | "kana" | "@21" |
Japanese kanji | "kanji" | "@25" |
Japanese Macintosh katakana | "japanese_katakana" | "@259" |
Japanese Macintosh hiragana | "japanese_hiragana" | "@260" |
Japanese Macintosh rouman-ji | "japanese_roman" | "@261" |
Sun cut | "cut" | "@65489" |
Sun copy | "copy" | "@65485" |
Sun paste | "paste" | "@65487" |
Sun undo | "undo" | "@65483" |
Sun again | "again" | "@65481" |
Sun find | "find" | "@65488" |
Sun props | "props" | "@65482" |
Sun stop | "stop" | "@65480" |
Compose | "compose" | "@65312" |
Alt GR | "alt_graph" | "@65406" |
Note that this is an incomplete list and that the key code may vary according to your physical keyboard, keyboard driver and operational system.