A TUI client for the Searx meta-search engine, written in Rust
Write rearx + "search query" on your terminal.
Right arrow -> Go to next page
Left arrow -> Go to previous page
f -> Go to first page
q -> Quit
[0-9] -> opens the search result corresponding to the pressed number key
On Arch Linux and derivatives, you can install from the AUR like this: yay -S rearx-bin
On other distros you can install from source by cloning this repo and executing cargo build --release (the only requirement here is to have cargo installed)
Mandatory: In order to use Rearx, you first need to create the folder /etc/rearx/ and copy the rearx.yaml configuration file in there. Inside this file, you specify which instance of Searxyou will connect to
WARNING: bear in mind that, if the Searx instance you are connecting to has very strict firewall rules regarding json, Rearx will panic! on "rate limit exceeded"
Only Linux is officially supported. Windows support is not planned nor possible because the program depends on the termion crate. It might compile on MacOS, but you are on your own.