Use pcap4j to detect a mac address of remote host
I searched the whole website, and I found no solution provided to detect a mac address of remote host under same subnetwork.
So I created this project.
I used pcap4j to send and filtering packets. and for a IPv4 address, I used arp protocol related function to extract the mac address. and for a IPv6 address, I used ndp (neighbor discovery) protocol related function to extract the mac address.
- pcap4j 1.7.3
- libpcap. (ready for use version files has been uploaded into libpcapfiles)
implementation group: 'io.gitee.gaoxingliang', name: 'mac-address-detector-java', version: '0.0.1'
and use it, see full Test:
MacAddress address = MacAddressHelper.getInstance()
the pre-built dep files are under libpcapfiles
on linux, you can load the libpcap directly without install anything
java YourProgram
On windows, the npcap is required to be installed. (no reboot required)
java -Dorg.pcap4j.core.pcapLibName=wpcap.dll -Dorg.pcap4j.core.packetLibName=Packet.dll YourProgram
release the lib to mvn repo. and renaming the package.
Add a func to do packet dump by using pcap4j.
After build the jar, call the main class PacketDump.
java -cp .:networkutils-all-0.2.jar PacketDump "udp"