Package easyssh provides a simple implementation of some SSH protocol features in Go. You can simply run command on remote server or upload a file even simple than native console SSH client. Do not need to think about Dials, sessions, defers and public keys...Let easyssh will be think about it!
Scp support single file or a directory.
sshconfig := &easyssh.SSHConfig{...}
sshconfig.Scp(localpath, remotepath)
ScpM support copy multiple files to multiple destination on remote simultaneously.
sshconfig := &easyssh.SSHConfig{...}
// download a file
config := &SSHConfig{
User: "gaols",
Server: "",
Port: "22",
Password: "******",
// /home/gaols/Codes/go/src/ is remote file to download
// /tmp/sync_test.go is the destination where remote file will be saved
err := config.DownloadF("/home/gaols/Codes/go/src/", "/tmp/sync_test.go")
if err != nil {
go get
Run a command on remote server and get STDOUT output
Run a command on remote server and get STDOUT output line by line