The playground-matrix-resource
Laravel package.
This package provides an API and a Blade UI for interacting with the Playground Matrix, a project management and task system.
If you only need the JSON API, the Blade UI may be disabled.
This application provides Swagger documentation: swagger.json.
- See the Playground Matrix Resource swagger.json on the Swagger Editor.
- The endpoint models support locks, trash with force delete, restoring and more.
- Index endpoints support advanced query filtering.
Read more on using Playground Matrix Resource at the Read the Docs for Playground.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require gammamatrix/playground-matrix-resource
Playground provides information in the artisan about
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Playground\Matrix\Resource\ServiceProvider" --tag="playground-config"
All routes are enabled by default. They may be disabled via enviroment variable or the configuration.
See the contents of the published config file: config/playground-matrix-resource.php
You can publish the routes file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Playground\Matrix\Resource\ServiceProvider" --tag="playground-routes"
- The routes while be published in a folder at
If you are unable or do not want to publish configuration files for this package, you may override the options via system environment variables.
Information on environment variables is available on the wiki for this package
This package requires the migrations in playground-matrix a Laravel package.
composer cloc
➜ playground-matrix-resource git:(develop) ✗ composer cloc
> cloc --exclude-dir=node_modules,output,vendor .
747 text files.
441 unique files.
308 files ignored. v 1.98 T=0.73 s (604.6 files/s, 92585.9 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
JSON 3 0 0 23774
PHP 304 3379 4899 20135
YAML 92 5 0 13943
Blade 36 159 7 865
XML 3 0 5 223
Markdown 2 37 0 86
INI 1 3 0 12
SUM: 441 3583 4911 59038
Tests at level 9 on:
composer analyse
composer format
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.