The Playground Matrix is a package for Laravel applications.
This package provides the models to use Playground Matrix, a project management tool.
Read more on using Playground Matrix at Read the Docs: Playground Documentation.
This package is required with playground-matrix-api (API without UI) or playground-matrix-resource (API with UI)
If you do not need an API and just want the models, then the package may be installed with:
You can install the package via composer:
composer require gammamatrix/playground-matrix
Playground Matrix provides information in the artisan about
Migrations are disabled by default. This package may sometimes be installed where another system handles the migrations.
See the contents of the published config file: config/playground-matrix.php
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Playground\Matrix\ServiceProvider" --tag="playground-config"
env() | config() |
playground-matrix.load.migrations |
- The loading option for migrations does not take effect if the migrations have been exported to your app. The control for loading is handled in the package ServiceProvider.
This package includes factories, models and migrations for:
- Backlogs
- Boards
- Epics
- Flows
- Matrices
- Milestones
- Notes
- Projects
- Releases
- Roadmaps
- Sources
- Sprints
- Tags
- Teams
- Tickets
- Versions
All database/migrations are disabled by default.
- NOTE: There are 16 tables that will be created, they do have indexes and unique constraints defined; however, this release does not have the foreign key constraint migrations included at this time.
You can publish the migrations file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Playground\Matrix\ServiceProvider" --tag="playground-migrations"
composer cloc
➜ playground-matrix git:(feature/GH-25) ✗ composer cloc
> cloc --exclude-dir=node_modules,output,vendor .
148 text files.
118 unique files.
32 files ignored. v 1.98 T=0.29 s (405.5 files/s, 234827.7 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
JSON 18 0 0 49172
PHP 92 1285 4715 12506
YAML 1 5 0 275
XML 3 0 7 215
Markdown 3 44 0 102
INI 1 3 0 12
SUM: 118 1337 4722 62282
Tests at level 9 on:
composer analyse
composer format
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.