Network expose 2 different ports 9080 for network communication between peers and 9180 for websocket communication
Since we use cobra, environment variables can be passed in three different ways. Further you can find mapping
Parameter (short) | Env | Settings | Desc |
config | GN_SETTINGS | - | Path to settings.yaml file |
me (m) | GN_INDEX | | Current node index in committee |
rpc.address (r) | GN_RPC | rpc.address | Enables grpc service on this address |
extaddr (a) | GN_EXTADDR | network.ExtAddr | Current node external address for NAT lookup |
plugins.address (p) | GN_PLUGIN | plugins.address | Plugin service address |
plugins.interfaces (i) | GN_PLUGIN_I | plugins.interfaces | Plugin interfaces |
Variables are overridden in order. The most common variables are loaded from config, then more specific are taken from program parameters and then the most specific are loaded from ENV variables.
Network can be run in different modes^ which can be set with run commends
Is used to start network node
Utilit program. Is used to send transactions to the network
Utilit program. Is used to send rpc calls to the network
Outputs network version
- generates protobuf classes
make protos
- build gnetwork binaries
make build
- generate mock classes
mockery --all
- start network
gnetwork -l $i, where i=0...N
Common way to start network cluster is via Docker.
- create local network
docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= gagarin
- build docker image
docker build .
- run container ($1 is node index, $2 is image short hash)
docker run --net gagarin --ip$1 -it -e GN_IND=$1 -p 918$1:9180 $2 ./gnetwork
- peers.json
"peers": [ #list of bootstrap peers
"addr": "0xDd9811Cfc24aB8d56036A8ecA90C7B8C75e35950", #blockchain addr
"pub": "8d00d7cea8f1f6edc961fe2867ffb94a1e78ef8b8eb416d6f5b7b3f6dd9811cfc24ab8d56036a8eca90c7b8c75e35950", # blockchain G1 public key
"MultiAddress": "/ip4/" #libp2p multiaddr
- peer(i).json, where i is the same i from start network
"addr": "0xA60c85Be9c2b8980Dbd3F82cF8CE19DE12f3E829", #blockchain addr
"id": "16Uiu2HAmCRVJB9iKxon89fp8J25KvEgkEmgViLnaYi7A9aiZoSpy", #libp2p peer id (public ECDSA key)
"pk": "4a157ef4295be2413c59613cd5dd4f3b0688ac6227709a9634608f33a49250ef", #blockchain private key
"pkpeer": "080212208ceba2eb4883bfd2638dd37807b9986ea9ce18319b4bcf663fafb007db3087e6" #libp2p peer private ECDSA key
"pub": "8d00d7cea8f1f6edc961fe2867ffb94a1e78ef8b8eb416d6f5b7b3f6dd9811cfc24ab8d56036a8eca90c7b8c75e35950" #blockchain pub key
- seed.json starting state
"accounts": [ #account list
"address": "0xA60c85Be9c2b8980Dbd3F82cF8CE19DE12f3E829", #blockchain address
"balance": 1000 #starting balance
- settings.yaml
Hotstuff: #hotstuff settings
CommitteeSize: 10 #total node amount, must be 3 * n + 1, here n = 3
Me: 0 #my index in committee
Delta: 5000 #stage duration in milliseconds, 2*Delta is v iew change duration, 4* Delta is GST
BlockDelta: 10 #max time in millisecinds to wait for transactions
SeedPath: #path to seed file eg static/seed.json
MinPeerThreshold: 3 #minimum peer count to bootstrap connection, from bootstrap list
ReconnectPeriod: 10000 #period after watchdog checks bootstrap connections and reconnects whether count less then
ConnectionTimeout: 3000 #common connection timeout
Dir: /var/folders/m7/c56_pk2n0dj4xbplcndc9d140000gn/T/ #storage dir
Dir: /Users/dabasov/Projects/gagarin/network/static #path to static
Level: INFO #log level
Address: 'localhost:9380' #plugin address
Interfaces: ['OnBlockCommit', 'OnReceiveProposal', 'OnNewBlockCreated'] #plugin supported services
Address: 'localhost:9480' #address to run rpc service on
MaxConcurrentStreams: 10 #max concurrent service connections
There are several tests in the project. We have very light unit tests which are placed near scripts to test and integration tests in the network/test directory. Main integration tests are in it_test.go. Each test implements specific scenario and runs main hotstuff processes. Important: for now we mock block service and tx services and they are not covered in it_tests, tests for these services can be found in block_protocol_test.go and tx_service_test.go.
To allow import of private modules do:
go env -w<<path to repo>>