A vagrant image with kubeadm installation. There are two virtual machines, one for the master and the other for thes nodes.
Pre Requisites
Install vagrant (at least 1.8.1)
once you start the machine with 'vagrant up' command you must follow next steps
1 - execute
vagrant up
2 - execute
vagrant reload
3 - execute
vagrant ssh
4 - execute as sudo
sudo su && echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
5 - execute
this commands install kubeadm, kubelet, docker
6 - execute
/install/start.bash <IP> for example /install/start.bash
this commands start kubeadm as master and install dashboard. You can search the ip address with the command ip addr.
once you start the machine with 'vagrant up' command you must follow next steps
1 - execute vagrant up
2 - execute vagrant reload
3 - execute vagrant ssh
4 - execute as sudo
sudo su && echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
5 - execute
this commands install kubeadm, kubelet, docker.
6 - execute the join token
/install/join.bash 'TOKEN' for example kubeadm join --token 3jpzfi.fqyo9k561b34rdd0 --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:9ed37df6e95bc57453dded04bd3ab0147abde34e32ea444c7fd771d0d6fb830c