The datablog-ui implementation allows editing text, images, and two kinds of map elements directly in the browser. It is the accompanying code repository for the livingmap, a Harvard University Extension School master thesis. A public demo page of this project can be found at The thesis document is at
If you care about the map elements, i.e. choropleths and web maps, you will likely need to dive into the code and integrate them with your code respectively. Web maps are created with the angular-leaflet-directive, which is an awesome open source stand-alone directive for interactive maps. You probably want to start there and see how the datablog-ui integrates the directive into an editing environment with forms and modals. The choropleth maps are supported with a custom directive that can be found in the code's directives
If you care about the text editing and drag&drop capabilities, you need the software library livingdocs, which is open source under the LGPL, and can be donwloaded here.
- Install node and npm, node.js
- From the top directory, run
npm install
You can run the server in both local and api mode. Out of the box, only the local mode is supported, which is also the default. If you want to save your documents to a server, you will need to implement the API layer found in components/api
So to run the server in local mode use either:
grunt server
grunt server --api=local
If you want to run it with your own API (requires that you implement the api layer) then run:
grunt server --api=<name of your api>
The specs are pretty slow. I am sorry... To run them, type:
grunt test
The build task creates the dist
folder for you. You can then take this folder and deploy it anywhere you like (the demo page uses github pages).
To build the project, run:
grunt build
NOTE: The build task will by default use the API layer. If you want to build a local version, e.g. to have a demo page that stores to the browsers local storage, run:
grunt build --api=local
No code is an island! The datablog-ui project builds upon a lot of really awesome tools and libraries. Below is a list of all of them (please tell me, if I forgot something):
name | webpage | licence |
JQuery | | MIT |
Angular.JS | | MIT |
d3.js | | custom |
d3-geo-projection | | custom |
leaflet.js | | custom |
livingdocs | | LGPL |
moment.js | | custom |
underscore.js | | custom |
ng-grid | | MIT |
ng-progress | | MIT |
UI Bootstrap | | MIT |
angular-truncate | | MIT |
name | webpage | licence |
colorbrewer | | Apache |
GADM maps | | non-commercial use only |
bootstrap | | MIT |
Copyright 2014 Gabriel Hase, gabriel(dot)hase(at)gmail(dot)com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see
NOTE: This licence does not include third-party libraries. Please check the Credits section of the file for details.