A Leetcode chrome extension that can be used to help learn/build an understanding for problems a user struggles with.
- Work through leetcode problems and find one you struggle with
- Click on the extension and hit the "Add to redo" button
- The extension will then create multiple lists that each have a different name where the name is the day to revisit the problem, for example: 12/10/20
- Check back in on the day assigned to revisit that problem and solve it!
- Custom list naming -> right now lists all conform to MM/DD/YY
- Ability to specify custom patterns -> Current pattern is resolve it 1 day later, 2 days later, 4th days later, 8th days later, 15th days later and 30th days later
- The ability to clean out/delete all old lists with the click of a button
Button to go to today's list of problems to redo- Google calendar integration? -> Could hlep declutter the list of leetcode lists