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The easy internationalization (i18n) library for Angular

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Pure version angular for internalization (i18n).

Translations are static. If you change language you must refresh the page or use bootstrap extension.

Use EasyI18 Js library

Download and Installation

Install using npm:

npm install easy-i18n-js @ngx-easy-i18n-js/core --save

Open angular.json and under allowedCommonJsDependencies add:

"allowedCommonJsDependencies": [

Usage in app.module.ts, add imports

import localeFr from '@angular/common/locales/fr';
import localeEn from '@angular/common/locales/en';

imports: [
    options: {
      logging: false
    ngLocales: {
      'fr': localeFr,
      'en': localeEn,
    defaultLanguage: 'en-US'


export interface EasyI18nModuleConfig {
  // Options fo easy i18 js library
  options?: EasyI18nOptions;
  // Use specific loader
  loader?: Provider;
  // Add Angular locale <code>import localeFr from '@angular/common/locales/fr';</code>
  ngLocales?: { [key: string]: any; };
  // Use browser language
  useBrowserLanguage?: boolean;
  // Default fallback language use if current language not found
  defaultLanguage?: string;
  // <code>exact</code> only fr-FR, <code>minimum</code> only fr, <code>all</code> fr-FR and fr
  discover?: 'exact' | 'minimum' | 'all';

In child module

imports: [

For change current locale use EasyI18nService

export class MyComponent {

    private easyI18nService: EasyI18nService
  ) {

  public doChangeLanguage(locale: string): void {

Force reload if change culture

 this.easyI18nService.registerCulture('fr', { reload: true });

Locale pipes

In HTML, uses locales pipes to get dates, numbers in locale format

pipe description example
localeDate Same as date {{ mydate | localeDate:'short' }}
localeNumber Same as number {{ mydate | localeNumber }}
localeCurrency Same as currency {{ mydate | localeCurrency }}
localePercent Same as percent {{ mydate | localePercent }}


Main function for translate your language keys

HTML file

In HTML template, with pipe, parameter is TrOptions

{{ 'hello' | tr }}
{{ 'hello_with_genre' | tr: { gender: 'male' } }}
{{ 'My name is {}' | tr: { args: ['Gabriel'] } }}

TrOptions arguments

Name type example
args string[] ['Gabriel', '20']
namedArgs { [key: string]: string; } } { name : 'Gabriel', age : '20' }
namespace string 'common'
gender 'male' | 'female' | 'other' gender: 'other'


There are 2 differents directives

First is simple, translate [tr]

Directive description example
tr Active directive translate <span tr>hello</span>
trNamespace Add namespace <span tr trNamespace="common">hello</span>
trKey Set key (if empty use content) <span tr trKey="hello" trNamespace="common"></span>
trGender Gender <span tr trGender="male">hello_with_genre</span>
trArgs Arguments <span tr [trArgs]="['Gabriel']">hello</span>
trNamedArgs Named arguments <span tr [trNamedArgs]="{ name: 'Gabriel' }">hello</span>

Second, use HTML named arguments [trContent], replace {namedArg} with child element *trElement

Directive description
trContent Active content directive translate, get a key
trNamespace Add namespace
trGender Gender
trArgs Arguments
trNamedArgs Named arguments
demarc Change token start, end identifier


<!-- "hello_name": "My name is {name}" -->
<div trContent="hello_name">
    <span *trElement="'name'" style="color: red; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: bold">Gabriel</span>

<div trContent="My name is {name} and I live in {country}" style="color: blue;">
    <span *trElement="'name'" style="color: red; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: bold">Gabriel</span>
    <span *trElement="'country'">{{ var_country }}</span>

Typescript file

You can use extension methods of [String], you can also use tr() as a static function.

In typescript file, there is no need to inject EasyI18nService

'hello_with_genre'.tr({ gender: 'male' });
tr('hello_with_genre', { gender: 'male' });

Translate Plural

You can translate with pluralization. To insert a number in the translated string, use {}.

HTML file

In HTML template, with pipe, first parameter is number and second PluralOptions

{{ 'money' | plural:10 }}
{{ 'money_with_args' | plural:3: { args: ['Gabriel'] } }}

PluralOptions arguments

Name type example
args string[] ['Gabriel', '20']
namedArgs { [key: string]: string; } } { name : 'Gabriel', age : '20' }
namespace string 'common'
name string money
numberFormatterFn (value: number) => string (value) => value.Precision(3)
gender 'male' | 'female' | 'other' gender: 'other'


There are 2 different directives

First is simple, translate plural [plural]

Directive description example
plural Active directive translate <span [plural]="10">money</span>
pluralNamespace Add namespace <span [plural]="100" pluralNamespace="common">money</span>
pluralKey Set key (if empty use content) <span [plural]="100" pluralKey="money" pluralNamespace="common"></span>
pluralGender Gender <span [plural]="1" pluralGender="male">money_with_genre</span>
pluralArgs Arguments <span [plural]="5" [pluralArgs]="['Gabriel']">money</span>
pluralNamedArgs Named arguments <span [plural]="13" [pluralNamedArgs]="{ name: 'Gabriel' }">money</span>
pluralName Name value <span [plural]="4" pluralName="value">money</span>
pluralNumberFormatterFn Formatter function <span [plural]="10000" [pluralNumberFormatterFn]="myFn">money</span>

Second, use HTML named arguments [pluralContent], replace {namedArg} with child element *pluralElement

Directive description
pluralContent Active content directive translate, get a key
pluralValue Active content directive translate, get a value
pluralNamespace Add namespace
pluralGender Gender
pluralArgs Arguments
pluralNamedArgs Named arguments
pluralName Name value
pluralNumberFormatterFn Formatter function
demarc Change token start, end identifier


<!-- "money_content": { 
    "zero": "{name} not have money",
    "one": "{name} have {money} dollar",
    "two": "{name} have {money} dollars",
    "many": "{name} have {money} dollars",
    "other": "{name} have {money} dollars"
} -->
<div pluralContent="money_content" [pluralValue]="var_money" class="fst-italic text-gray-500">
    <span *pluralElement="'name'" style="color: red; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: bold">Gabriel</span>
    <span *pluralElement="'money'" style="color: blueviolet; font-weight: bold"
          [style.font-size]="(var_money / 10) + 'vw'">{{ var_money }}</span>

Typescript file

You can use extension methods of [String], you can also use plural() as a static function.

In typescript file, there is no need to inject EasyI18nService

'money_args'.plural(0, { args: ['Gabriel'] });
'money_args'.plural(1.5, { args: ['Gabriel'] });
plural('money_args', { args: ['Gabriel'] });


Default store is EmptyEasyI18nStore

Use localStorage store, usage in app.module.ts, add provider

providers: [
    provide: EasyI18nStore,
    useFactory: () => new LocalStorageEasyI18nStore('current-lang')

Add HttpLoader


Load messages with HttpClient

Install using npm:

npm install @ngx-easy-i18n-js/http-loader --save

Usage in app.module.ts, add provider

providers: [
    provide: EasyI18nLoader,
    deps: [HttpClient],
    useFactory: (httpClient: HttpClient) => new HttpEasyI18nLoader(httpClient)

Change prefix or suffix with options

new HttpEasyI18nLoader(httpClient, {
  prefix: 'assets/',
  suffix: '.json5'
new HttpEasyI18nLoader(httpClient, {
  prefix: ['assets/common/i18n', 'assets/i18n'],
  suffix: '.json5'

Scoped loader

Load multiples files with scope

Usage in app.module.ts, add provider

providers: [
    provide: EasyI18nLoader,
    deps: [HttpClient],
    useFactory: (httpClient: HttpClient) => new ScopedHttpEasyI18nLoader(httpClient, [
      { prefix: `/assets/i18n/` },
      { prefix: ['assets/common/i18n', 'assets/i18n/common'], scope: 'common' },
      { prefix: `/assets/i18n/errors/`, scope: 'errors' }
{{ '' | tr }}
{{ 'errors.internal_server_error' | tr }}

Change suffix

new ScopedHttpEasyI18nLoader(httpClient, [
    { prefix: `/assets/i18n/` }
  ], {
  suffix: '.json5'

Append scoped loader for lazy routes

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'login',
    loadChildren: () => import('./login/login.module').then(m => m.LoginModule),
    canActivate: [
        { prefix: `/assets/i18n/login/`, scope: 'login' }

Add Bootstrap

Bootstrap application, refresh application when culture change without reload page

Install using npm:

npm install @angular/cdk @ngx-easy-i18n-js/bootstrap --save


imports: [
    bootstrap: AppComponent

bootstrap: [EasyI18nBootstrapComponent]

And in index.html, replace <app-root></app-root> by <ngx-easy-i18n></ngx-easy-i18n>

For custom loading component

imports: [
    bootstrap: AppComponent,
    loadingComponent: MyLoadingComponent

bootstrap: [EasyI18nBootstrapComponent]


The easy internationalization (i18n) library for Angular






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