This is a test to transfert Kweh to red-discordbot cog
You will need a version of Python 3.8: Why : Link to last installer :
Create a virtual environnement using theses commands inside the root directory:
pip install --user virtualenv virtualenvwrapper-win # adds tools to create virtual environnement
python -m virtualenv --python="C:\Program Files\Python38\python.exe" env # create virtual environnement
%cd%/env/Scripts/activate.bat # Activate the environnement
pip install -r requirement.txt # install prerequirements
You need to create a bot by using theses commands :
redbot-setup # Follow instructions
redbot <instance name> --dev # Run bot
Then link it to a instance using :
Contact your bot inside discord and use :
[p]addpath <this_root_folder>
[p]load kweh
redbot <instance name> --dev
// %cd%/env/Scripts/activate.bat redbot testbot --dev