⚠ This repository is now DEPRECATED and will be deleted after 1st of August 2021. We recommend to use Zen in new projects.
Shopware - a multi-award winning eCommerce software, Shopware provides customers with a stylish platform for them to build and manage a fully responsive online shopping experience for the end customer on every device. It can also be shaped and extended to satisfy the unique requirements of any business. Thanks to the highly-skilled developer teams at Shopware that are involved in the constant process development and improvement, the plugin system makes it possible to extend both the front and backend to meet customers’ need and requirements without losing the ability to make all the necessary software updates and upgrades.
If you have any questions we are ready to help you using our official merchant support center – just go to https://pay.g2a.com/contact.
- Features
- Technical requirements
Our module will allows you:
- easy setup of selling online using G2A Pay,
- make refunds directly from your platform using API,
- automatically data synchronization beetwen your platform and our system (notifications, transactions data),
Module requires:
- web server with PHP 5.4 support,
- safe mode have to be disabled,
- installed cURL extension for PHP,