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initial draft of dynamicgrid
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BieHDC committed Dec 31, 2024
1 parent 5be10b3 commit ed2a066
Showing 1 changed file with 268 additions and 0 deletions.
268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions cmd/dynamicgrid_demo/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
package main

import (


func main() {
a := app.New()
w := a.NewWindow("Dynamic Grid")

const numTestItems = 128
names := make([]string, 0, numTestItems)
for i := 0; i < numTestItems; i++ {
name := fmt.Sprintf("Button %d", i)
names = append(names, name)


func exampleGridler(names []string) *fyne.Container {
makeAnItem := func(index int) fyne.CanvasObject {
// just to spice things up a bit and show more
// how this works
if index%10 == 0 {
return canvas.NewImageFromResource(theme.FyneLogo())
if index%23 == 0 {
pb := widget.NewProgressBarInfinite()
return pb
if index == 42 {
// fixme this incidentally shows a bug when you slowly change
// the window size. this widget is not made/meant for different
// sized widgets, however it would be good to handle them properly
return container.NewCenter(widget.NewLabel("the meaning of life"))

name := names[index]
return widget.NewButton(name, func() { fmt.Println(name) })

// depending on the widget-heavyness,
// you likely want a cache
cache := make(map[int]fyne.CanvasObject)

dataRequester := func(numItems int) []fyne.CanvasObject {
objs := make([]fyne.CanvasObject, 0, numItems)

for _, index := range sampler(len(names), numItems) {
cached, ok := cache[index]
if !ok {
cached = makeAnItem(index)
cache[index] = cached

objs = append(objs, cached)

return objs

// we always want at least 2 rows and 2 columns
const imagesPerViewRows = 2
const imagesPerViewColums = 2
return NewDynamicGrid(imagesPerViewRows, imagesPerViewColums, dataRequester)

// makes a stable same-input same-output sampling
func sampler(maxItems, requiredItems int) []int {
if requiredItems > maxItems {
indexes := make([]int, maxItems)
// in a real scenario we just
// would not have more to display
// example file previews
for index := 0; index < maxItems; index++ {
indexes[index] = index
return indexes

indexes := make([]int, 0, requiredItems)
step := int(float64(maxItems) / float64(requiredItems))
found := 0
for index := 0; found < requiredItems; index += step {
indexes = append(indexes, index)
found += 1

return indexes

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Currently kept here during heavy development, later to be moved
// to the layout folder

// do not directly tinker with Container.Objects or Container.Layout
func NewDynamicGrid(minrows, mincols int, mr MoreRequester) *fyne.Container {
grid := newDynamicGridLayout(minrows, mincols, mr)
c := container.New(grid)
grid.container = c // we need this in the Layout function
return c

// Declare conformity with Layout interface
var _ fyne.Layout = (*dynamicGridLayout)(nil)

type MoreRequester func(numItems int) []fyne.CanvasObject
type dynamicGridLayout struct {
minrows int
mincols int
container *fyne.Container
mr MoreRequester

var ErrorMissingMoreRequester = errors.New("you must provide a MoreRequester function")

// newDynamicGridLayout returns a new dynamic grid layout
func newDynamicGridLayout(minrows, mincols int, mr MoreRequester) *dynamicGridLayout {
// i dont want to recheck this in hotpath Layout ether
// fixme go version update replace with max()
if minrows < 1 {
minrows = 1
if mincols < 1 {
mincols = 1
if mr == nil {
// fixme whats the nice way to deal with that?
// just nop ourselves and return a stackLayout?
// nil? but then unexplained not working?
// maybe have NewDynamicGrid just return an error?
// would mess with cascading
return nil

Check failure on line 147 in cmd/dynamicgrid_demo/main.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / static_analysis

unreachable code

return &dynamicGridLayout{
minrows: minrows,
mincols: mincols,
mr: mr,

// Layout is called to pack all child objects into a specified size.
// For a DynamicGridLayout this will pack the needed amount of objects
// into a table format with at least the minumum specified columns and rows
// and if less content available to fill as much space as possible.
func (g *dynamicGridLayout) Layout(objects []fyne.CanvasObject, size fyne.Size) {
padding := theme.Padding()

childsize := uniformBlocksize(objects).Add(fyne.NewSquareSize(padding / 2))
numcols := numobjfit(size.Width, childsize.Width)
numrows := numobjfit(size.Height, childsize.Height)
maxamount := numrows * numcols

objects =
g.container.Objects = objects //otherwise something is salty and we render nothing
lenobjects := len(objects)

if lenobjects < 1 {
// nothing to do
if lenobjects < maxamount {
// stretch over available space but evenly
numcols, numrows = strechedSizeCalculator(lenobjects, childsize, size)
maxamount = numcols * numrows

padWidth := float32(numcols-1) * padding
padHeight := float32(numrows-1) * padding
cellWidth := float32(size.Width-padWidth) / float32(numcols)
cellHeight := float32(size.Height-padHeight) / float32(numrows)

row, col := 0, 0
for i, child := range objects {
// leading edge top left
x1 := (cellWidth + padding) * float32(col)
y1 := (cellHeight + padding) * float32(row)
// trailing edge bottom right
x2 := (cellWidth+padding)*float32(col+1) - padding
y2 := (cellHeight+padding)*float32(row+1) - padding

child.Move(fyne.NewPos(x1, y1))
child.Resize(fyne.NewSize(x2-x1, y2-y1))

if (i+1)%numcols == 0 {
col = 0
} else {

// MinSize finds the smallest size that satisfies all the child objects.
// For a DynamicGridLayout this is the size of the largest child object
// multiplied by the minimum number of columns and rows, with
// appropriate padding between children.
func (g *dynamicGridLayout) MinSize(objects []fyne.CanvasObject) fyne.Size {
// fixme do we also have to ask for items here?
// by visual testing the answer is no
minSize := uniformBlocksize(objects)
padding := theme.Padding()

minContentSize := fyne.NewSize(
return minContentSize.Add(fyne.NewSize(
padding*fyne.Max(float32(g.mincols-1), 0),
padding*fyne.Max(float32(g.minrows-1), 0),


func numobjfit(fullsize, childsize float32) int {
// fixme go version update replace with max()
num := int(math.Floor(float64(fullsize) / float64(childsize)))
if num < 1 {
return 1
return num

// fixme find a smart way to do this
// like for real, this cant be it
func strechedSizeCalculator(numobjects int, childsize fyne.Size, size fyne.Size) (int, int) {
if numobjects < 1 {
// failsave
return 1, 1
var numcols int
var numrows int
for {
childsize = childsize.Add(fyne.NewSquareSize(1))
numcols = numobjfit(size.Width, childsize.Width)
numrows = numobjfit(size.Height, childsize.Height)
if numcols*numrows <= numobjects {
childsize = childsize.Subtract(fyne.NewSquareSize(1))
numcols = numobjfit(size.Width, childsize.Width)
numrows = numobjfit(size.Height, childsize.Height)
return numcols, numrows

func uniformBlocksize(objects []fyne.CanvasObject) fyne.Size {
childsize := fyne.NewSquareSize(1)
for _, child := range objects {
childsize = childsize.Max(child.MinSize())
return childsize

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