is still very much under development and not quite ready for serious scrutiny (even before considering it for production use). At this stage, I am still experimenting with ideas and experiences to achieve my goals with the project. Nothing here is set in stone and might change overnight.
is a tool for getting the most out of your technical documentation. It
allows you to live evaluate code blocks in your markdown with no modification
to your documents.
is not just great as a teaching tool or impressing your friends. It can
also be used as a powerful runbook and incident response tool by granting
responders diagnosis and remediation processes at the click of a button.
Install mdrun
from source with the Go tool chain:
go install
The simplest and most common way to use mdrun
is to just run it from the command line:
This will startup a server on your localhost allowing you to browse files in the current directory.
- Support basic cli flags like
- Support metadata at the top of the file in front matter
- Support required cli-tools to throw errors early if it can even run on the system
- Support out-of-the-box containerization??
- CLI mode will print out the runbook to stdout and prompt before each exec
- Script mode that will execute markdown as a script
- Infer language dependencies from code blocks