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docker (deprecated)

This is outdated & unmaintained material, please refer to

This repository contains the docker and compose configuration files required to build a basic geOrchestra SDI instance.

There are two branches:

  • master is for a regular geOrchestra setup with GeoServer security,
  • geofence installs the GeoFence webapp and a modified version of GeoServer which includes the GeoFence probe.

The goal is to setup a dev or demo server, but this is NOT for production use.
If you need a provisioning tool, have a look at this contributed geOrchestra ansible playbook.

The webapps are pulled from our continuous integration, which builds the complete stack every night from the master branch. You've been warned: it might not work at all !


Install a recent docker-engine: read and:

sudo apt-get remove --purge
sudo apt-get remove --purge lxc-docker
sudo apt-get install docker-engine

Install Compose:

sudo -i
curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Create the directories on the host for the tmp and data volumes:

mkdir -p ~/docker/tmp ~/docker/data ~/docker/datadir && chmod -R a+rw ~/docker/*

The ~/docker/data folder is mounted on /data in the GeoServer container. Copy some of your geodata inside !

Populate the geOrchestra config dir:

cd ~/docker && git clone -b docker datadir

Clone the repository:

git clone --recursive ~/docker_georchestra

build & run

Run the stack with:

cd ~/docker_georchestra && docker-compose up

Register the IP of the front server in your host machine with this one-liner:

sudo sed -i '/' /etc/hosts && \
sudo sh -c "echo `docker inspect --format {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}} docker_apache_1` >> /etc/hosts"

Open in your browser and voila !
Login with testadmin / testadmin.

Once you're done with it, you can stop the containers with CTRL + C

customizing the images

In case you make changes to the Dockerfiles, and before running again docker-compose up, remember you have to:

  • stop the containers with CTRL + C
  • remove the containers with docker-compose rm
  • remove the previous images with eg docker rmi -f docker_proxycas (in case you modified proxycas/Dockerfile)


Inspect the logs:

tail -f ~/docker/tmp/security-proxy.log

In order to see what's going on in the containers, open a console with, eg:

docker exec -it docker_proxycas_1 bash

... where docker_proxycas_1 is the name of the running container (retrieve it with docker ps).

For the network:

sudo tcpdump -X -i docker0 tcp port XXXX

... where XXXX might be 8180, 8280, 8281, 8282, 8380, etc... depending on which webapp you have to debug.


older, deprecated personal experiments with docker and georchestra...






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