is an abtraction on top of React Component which relieves the pain for those who find Redux overly complicated.
offers a solution to react routing which is more flexible and memory efficient than react-router-dom
Setup your index
import { IComponentRoute } from "fuse-react";
interface IContext {
foo: string;
title: string;
interface ComponentContext {
context: IContext;
route: IComponentRoute;
setContext: (fn: (context: IContext) => IContext) => any;
// create default values
title: "hello World",
const App = createRoot(({ context, route, setContext }: ComponentContext) => {
function clicked() {
setContext((context) => ({ ...context, title: "Hello foo bar!!!" }));
return <div onClick={clicked}>{context.title}</div>;
ReactDOM.render(<AnotherApp />, document.querySelector("#root"));
Add router to the mix
const App = createRoot(({ context, route, setContext }: ComponentContext) => {
function clicked() {
setContext((context) => ({ ...context, title: "Hello foo bar" }));
return (
<h1 onClick={clicked}>{context.title}</h1>
<Link to="/foo/john">To Foo</Link>
<Link to="/bar/john">To Bar</Link>
<Link to="/oi">Random page</Link>
<Switch notFound={PageNotFound}>
<Route component={RouteFoo} path="/foo/:name" />
<Route component={RouteBar} path="/bar/:name" />
function RouteFoo({ context, route, setContext }: ComponentContext) {
return <div>FOO: Name from the url {route.params.name}</div>;
function RouteBar({ context, route, setContext }: ComponentContext) {
return (
BAR: Name from the url {route.params.name}
<BarDetails />
const BarDetails = withContext(({ route, setContext }: ComponentContext) => {
function click() {
setContext((context) => ({
title: "Changed from bar details",
return <h1 onClick={click}>I am bar details: {route.params.name}</h1>;
function PageNotFound({ context, route, setContext }: ComponentContext) {
return <div>Page not found</div>;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#root"));