This is an Ansible playbook for Mesos. You can use it by itself or as part of a larger playbook customized for your local environment.
A sample Vagrant configuration is provided to help with local testing. After installing Vagrant, run vagrant up
at the root of the project to get a VM instance bootstrapped and configured with a running instance of Mesos.
Assuming your playbook structure is such as:
- my-master-playbook
|- vars
|- roles
|- my-master-playbook-main.yml
\- my-master-inventory.ini
Checkout this project as a submodule under roles:
$ cd roles
$ git submodule add git:// ./ansible-mesos
$ git submodule update --init
$ git commit ./ansible-mesos -m "Added submodule as ./ansible-mesos"
Example my-master-playbook-main.yml
# Mesos install #
- hosts: all_mesos
user: ubuntu
sudo: yes
- ansible-mesos
- vars/my-vars.yml
This software is provided as is. Having said that, if you see an issue, feel free to log a ticket. We'll do our best to address it. Same if you want to see a certain feature supported in the fututre. No guarantees are made that any requested feature will be implemented. If you'd like to contribute, feel free to clone and submit a pull request.
Stéphane Manciot - stephane.manciot [at]