Plugin for integrating allure reporter in Cypress with support of Allure API.
Allure reporter: java package or allure-commandline npm package.
There is no need to set this plugin as reporter in Cypress or use any other allure reporters. Just download:
- using yarn:
yarn add -D @shelex/cypress-allure-plugin
- using npm:
npm i -D @shelex/cypress-allure-plugin
Connect plugin in
in order to add Allure writer task:- as only plugin:
const allureWriter = require('@shelex/cypress-allure-plugin/writer'); module.exports = (on, config) => { allureWriter(on, config); return config; };
- if you have webpack or other preprocessors please set allure writer last:
module.exports = (on) => { on('file:preprocessor', webpackPreprocessor); allureWriter(on, config); return config; };
Register commands in
file:- with
import '@shelex/cypress-allure-plugin';
- with
- with
for IntelliSense (autocompletion) support in your IDE add on top of your
/// <reference types="@shelex/cypress-allure-plugin" />
- for typescript support, update your tsconfig.json:
"include": [
You can customize allure-results folder by passing
env variable.- via
{ "env": { "allureResultsPath": "someFolder/results" } }
- via command line:
yarn cypress run --env allure=true,allureResultsPath=someFolder/results
- via
You can setup prefix for issue and tms links by adding env variables
- via
{ "env": { "tmsPrefix": "https://url-to-bug-tracking-system/task-", "issuePrefix": "https://url-to-tms/tests/caseId-" } } # usage: cy.allure().issue('blockerIssue', 'AST-111') # result: https://url-to-bug-tracking-system/task-AST-111
- via command line:
--env issuePrefix=https://url-to-bug-tracking-system/task-,tmsPrefix=https://url-to-tms/tests/caseId-
- via
be sure your docker or local browser versions are next: Chrome 71+, Edge 79+. Firefox 65+
plugin might not be applied to older Cypress versions, 4+ is recommended
to enable Allure results writing just pass environment variable
, example:
npx cypress run --config video=false --env allure=true --browser chrome
- if allure is enabled, you can check gathered data, in cypress window with Chrome Developer tools console:
See cypress-allure-plugin-example project, which is already configured to use this plugin, hosting report as github page and run by github action. It has configuration for basic allure history saving (just having numbers and statuses in trends and history).
For complete history (allure can display 20 build results ) with links to older reports and links to CI builds check cypress-allure-historical-example with basic and straightforward idea how to achieve it.
Assuming allure is already installed:
- generate new report based on current "allure-results" folder:
allure generate
- open generated report from "allure-report" folder:
allure open
There are three options of using allure api inside tests:
- Using interface from
- synchronous
const allure = Cypress.Allure.reporter.getInterface();
allure.feature('This is our feature');
allure.epic('This is epic');
allure.issue('google', '');
- Using Cypress custom commands, always starting from
- chainer
.feature('This is feature')
.epic('This is epic')
.issue('google', '')
.parameter('name', 'value')
.tag('this is nice tag');
- Using Cypress-cucumber-preprocessor with cucumber tags:
Scenario: Here is scenario
Allure API available:
- epic(epic: string)
- feature(feature: string)
- story(story: string)
- suite(name: string)
- label(name: LabelName, value: string)
- parameter(name: string, value: string)
- link(url: string, name?: string, type?: LinkType)
- issue(name: string, url: string)
- tms(name: string, url: string)
- description(markdown: string)
- descriptionHtml(html: string)
- owner(owner: string)
- severity(severity: Severity)
- tag(tag: string)
- attachment(name: string, content: Buffer | string, type: ContentType)
- testAttachment(name: string, content: Buffer | string, type: ContentType)
- startStep(name: string)
- endStep()
- step(name: string, isParent: boolean)
It may be assumed that Allure API method used in hooks (before/after all/each) would be applied to all/each test, but actually it is dealing with current allure executable (current test or hook) and obviously will not work. In case you need such behaviour it is better to try test:before:run
or test:after:run
cypress events to do so, when Allure interface commands will be applied to current test.
In case you are using VS Code and Cypress Helper extension, it has configuration for allure cucumber tags autocompletion available:
"cypressHelper.cucumberTagsAutocomplete": {
"enable": true,
"allurePlugin": true,
"tags": ["focus", "someOtherTag"]
Screenshots are attached automatically, for other type of content use testAttachment
(for current test) or attachment
(for current executable).
Videos are attached for failed tests only from path specified in cypress config videosFolder
and in case you have not passed video=false to Cypress configuration.
Please take into account, that in case spec files have same name, cypress is trying to create subfolders in videos folder, and it is not handled from plugin unfortunately, so video may not have correct path in such edge case.
Commands are producing allure steps automatically based on cypress events and are trying to represent how code and custom commands are executed with nested structure.
Moreover, steps functionality could be expanded with:
- will create step "name" for current test. This step will be finished when next step is created or test is'name', false)
- will create step "name" for current parent step (like previous one, without passingfalse
as second argument) or current hook/test. Will be finished when next step is created or test'name')
- will create step "name" for current cypress command step / current step / current parent step / current hook or test. Is automatically finished on fail event or test end, but I would recommend to explicitly mentioncy.allure().endStep()
which will finish last created step.
yarn test:prepare:basic
- generate allure results for tests incypress/integration/basic
folderyarn test:prepare:cucumber
- generate allure results for tests incypress/integration/cucumber
- run tests fromcypress/integration/results
against these allure results
A lot of respect to Sergey Korol who made Allure-mocha reporter. Major part of interaction from mocha to allure is based on that solution technically and ideologically.
Copyright 2020 Oleksandr Shevtsov [email protected].
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.