GeoHashSwift is a Swift implementation of GeoHash.
GeoHashFramework is a framework for GeoHash.
You can use it as a dependency of your project.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.0.1")
import GeoHashFramework
let geoHash = GeoHash(latitude: 35.681382, longitude: 139.766084, precision: .mid)
print(geoHash.geoHash) // "xn76urwe"
GeoHashCLI executable is a CLI tool for GeoHash.
You can use it to generate GeoHash from latitude and longitude.
- Install via Homebrew
brew tap fummicc1/geohash
brew install fummicc1/geohash/geohash
# Generate GeoHash from latitude and longitude
geohash 35.681236 139.767125
> xn76urx6
# Generate GeoHash from coordinate2d
geohash --coordinate "35.681236,139.767125"
> xn76urx6
- Install via Swift Package Manager
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.0.1")
# Generate GeoHash from latitude and longitude
swift run geohash 35.681236 139.767125
> xn76urx6
# Generate GeoHash from coordinate2d
swift run geohash --coordinate "35.681236,139.767125"
> xn76urx6
A GeoHash is a GeoHash object.
You can retrieve both binary and hex values of coordinate.
More implementation related to Coordinate2D (latitude, longitude) is in GeoHashCoordinate2D.swift.
A GeoHashCoordinate2D represents a pair of latitude and longitude in binary.
Note that actual latitude and longitude are not stored in this object, because the accuracy of GeoHash is not guaranteed in spite of the introduction of store of binary integer.
A GeoHashCluster is a union-find data structure for GeoHash.
This object aims to store GeoHash and their relations.
class GeoHashPrecision {
exact(digits: Int)
class GeoHashCluster {
+ isSame(geoHash1: GeoHash, geoHash2: GeoHash, precision: GeoHashPrecision) Bool
+ mergeIfPossible(geoHash1: GeoHash, geoHash2: GeoHash, precision: GeoHashPrecision)
class GeoHash {
+ binary: String
+ geoHash: String
+ precision: GeoHashPrecision
+ latitudeBits: [Int]
+ longitudeBits: [Int]
+ init(latitude: Double, longitude: Double, precision: GeoHashPrecision)
+ init(binary: String, precision: GeoHashPrecision)
+ init(geoHash: String)
+ getBounds(with precision: GeoHashBitsPrecision) -> [[GeoHashCoordinate2D]]
class GeoHashCoordinate2D {
+ latitude: Double
+ longitude: Double
- User can generate GeoHash from:
- latitude and longitude
- binary string
- GeoHash string
- User can retrieve hash string from
object. - User can check if two GeoHash objects are in the same cluster with specified precision.
- User can fetch GeoHashes in the same cluster with specified GeoHash.