Repo to house code for controlling TP Link HS200 wifi switch automatiocally by responding to emailed alarms from WirelessTag Temperature sensors. (
I installed wirelesstag sensors to monitor temperature in various parts of my house to see where I had hot and cold spots. I also installed a wood stove insert into my fireplace box, and wanted to trigger ThruWall fans to turn on when the temperature sensor in that room reached a certain temperature (74 in my case), and then turn off when the temperature dropped back to normal (The wirelesstag device have a monitor feature where you can set the normal range). The wirelesstag devices can also send emails or tweets.
- Got a raspberry pi 3 with wifi, and installed Respbian OS.
- Found these other repos and forked them to use on my own: a. (to monitor and interact with a gmail mailbox where I am sending wirelesstag alarms) i. There are steps necessary to get API access working; notably, a client secret json file from your gmail account. b. (to interact with my TP-Link HS200 wifi switch; hard-coded IP for that device on my router) c. (needed for the gmail repo referenced above to work)
- Modified the "gmail read py" file to look for subjects of unread messages, and then called a separate python files to turn the switch on or off.
/home/pi/github/HS200_WirelessTag/cronjob_hs200_gmail_read_and_turn_plug_on_or_off.txt -- crontab line item /home/pi/github/HS200_WirelessTag/ -- searches gmail unread messages and calls py files to turn switch on or off /home/pi/github/HS200_WirelessTag/ -- queries plug with specific IP and attemps to turn off; references pyhs100 installed executable; referenced by /home/pi/github/HS200_WirelessTag/ /home/pi/github/HS200_WirelessTag/ -- same off Off file, but tries to turn switch on
- Install Raspbian on Raspberry Pi 3. Copy "NOOBS" to the Micro SD card if you are starting from a blank SD card. (There are kits available that include NOOBS lite already on the micro SD).
- Configure Python 3 to be used (pre-requisite for gmail) From CLI, type "python --version" to determine which version is currently in use as per PATH environment variable. If necessary, find the 3.5+ python file in /usr/bin/ and replace python with that file. Example: mv python python2.7.13 mb python3.5 python python --version * this changed my version output to 3.5.3 (you could have higher installed)
- Install remaining gmail pre-requisites:
a. pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
b. pip install BeautifulSoup4
c. pip install python-dateutil
- Note about these, they will go to the old version of python directory if you forget/omit step 2 above, so you may need to repeat this if you try to run these before confirmation of python 3 being used
- Clone click-datetime repo and install
a. git clone
b. sudo python install
c. After install, it is safe to delete the clone of the repo.
- Note about these, they will go to the old version of python directory if you forget/omit step 2 above, so you may need to repeat this if you try to run these before confirmation of python 3 being used
- Clone pyHS100 repo and install
a. git clone
b. sudo python install
c. After install, it is safe to delete the clone of the repo.
- Note that the pyhs100 executable file is placed in /usr/local/bin
- Note that this will return a syntax error if python 3 is not used.
- Copy the from (or clone the repo and then delete later). a. Edit the file to handle the logic that you need. My edited copy on this repo searches for two different subjects from the same sender, and then takes action to turn the plug on or off based on what is found.
- Configure WirelessTag temperature sensors for monitoring a. From the customer login portion of their website or through the smartphone app, set threshold and email receipients. For me, I set a high end-range of 74F and to only send one notification (I could send multiple and take action for each of them to ensure plug is on, but I felt that one was enough).
- create a cron job to run at your desired interval to do the following: a. change directory to the location of the client_secret.json file (and all other files in my case) b. Execute "python".