A small Java library that contains several helpful utility classes.
- 0.13.x (or later) = Java 17
- 0.12.0 = Java 11 with new jakarta namespace
- 0.11.x = Java 11 before namespace change from 'javax' to 'jakarta'
- 0.9.x/0.10.x = Java 8
- 0.8 (or previous) = Java 1.4.2
- URL support for "classpath:" scheme
- Variable resolver
- Tracking changes of a list / map
- Easy file locking
- Properties file preferences
- JAXB CDATA Stream Writer
- Wait for code to finish (Deprecated in favour of Awaitility)
- Find all JARs and classes in the classpath
- Analyze classes in the classpath with Jandex
There are two variats you can use.
Directly create a URL using a utility method:
URL url = Utils4J.url("classpath:org/fuin/utils4j/test.properties");
A full example can be found here: ClasspathURLExample.java
If you register the URL stream handler, all URLs (no matter how they were constructed) will work:
URL url = new URL("classpath:/org/fuin/utils4j/test.properties");
Resolves variable references in a map and prevents on cycles.
After calling the resolver a map is returned that has the replaced values:
A full example can be found here: VariableResolverExample.java
Compress and descompress a complete directory and it's subdirectories with a single line of code
final File zipDir = new File(Utils4J.getTempDir(), "mydir");
final File zipFile = new File(Utils4J.getTempDir(), "myfile1.zip");
Utils4J.zipDir(zipDir, "abc/def", zipFile);
Utils4J.unzip(zipFile, Utils4J.getTempDir());
A full example can be found here: ZipDirExample.java
This is a wrapper for lists that keeps track of all changes made to the list. This means adding, replacing or deleting elements is tracked - not the changes to the objects itself. It's also possible to revert (undo) all changes made to the list. A restriction is that no duplicate elements are allowed in the list.
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
ChangeTrackingUniqueList<String> trackingList = new ChangeTrackingUniqueList<>(list);
A list example can be found here: ChangeTrackingUniqueListExample.java A map example can be found here: ChangeTrackingMapExample.java
Allows to synchronize local processes by using a file based lock.
FileLock lock = Utils4J.lockRandomAccessFile(randomAccessFile, tryLockMax, tryWaitMillis);
try {
// Do something...
} finally {
A full example can be found here: LockFileExample.java
Shows the use of a directory and properties file based Preferences API implementation. It's basically a replacement for the registry based implementation on Windows.
System.setProperty("java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory", PropertiesFilePreferencesFactory.class.getName());
Preferences userPrefs = Preferences.userRoot();
A full example can be found here: PropertiesFilePreferencesFactoryExample.java
XML stream writer that does not escape the content of a CDATA section. This is meant to be used with JAXB to serialize a string field to a CDATA section. The field to write as CDATA section is annotated with a CDataXmlAdapter.
Example of class using the adapter:
* Example class with CDATA field.
@XmlRootElement(name = "my-class-with-cdata")
public final class MyClassWithCData {
// Field has the CDataXmlAdapter
private String content;
ℹ️ If you just need to unmarshal (XML to Java) a CDATA section, using the above annotation is all you need to do.
// Create writers
final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
final XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(writer);
final CDataXmlStreamWriter cdataWriter = new CDataXmlStreamWriter(xmlWriter);
// Create JAXB context with example class
final JAXBContext ctx = JAXBContext.newInstance(MyClassWithCData.class);
final MyClassWithCData testee = new MyClassWithCData("<whatever this=\"is\"/>");
// Convert instance to XML
marshal(ctx, testee, null, cdataWriter);
final String xml = writer.toString();
// Prints out the result
// <?xml version="1.0" ?><my-class-with-cdata><![CDATA[<whatever this="is"/>]]></my-class-with-cdata>
// Convert it back to object
final MyClassWithCData copy = unmarshal(xml, MyClassWithCData.class);
// Print out cdata content
// <whatever this="is"/>
A full example can be found here: CDataJaxbExample.java
Caution - You must explicitly add the xml.bind-api dependency to your POM if you want to use this feature, because it's defined as optional here.
⚠️ Deprecated in favour of Awaitility
The WaitHelper class supports waiting for some condition.
Example of waiting for a function to finish without an exception:
// Try 5 times and wait 100 millis between tries (wait at max 10 seconds)
final WaitHelper waitHelper = new WaitHelper(1000, 5);
// Example of waiting for a customer to be found
waitHelper.waitUntilNoMoreException(() -> {
// We want to wait some time to see if the CustomerNotFoundException
// disappears and a customer name is finally loaded
}, Arrays.asList(CustomerNotFoundException.class));
Example of waiting for an expected customer name:
waitHelper.waitUntilResult(() -> {
// We want to wait some time to see if the CustomerNotFoundException
// disappears and a customer name is finally loaded
return loadCustomerName2(customerId);
}, Arrays.asList("Peter Parker, Inc"));
A full example can be found here: WaitHelperExample.java
Easily return a list of all classes or JAR files in the classpath.
// List CLASS files
for (final File file : Utils4J.classpathFiles(Utils4J::classFile)) {
// List JAR files that are not located in the JRE directory
for (final File file : Utils4J.classpathFiles(Utils4J::nonJreJarFile)) {
// List JAR files that are located in the JRE directory
for (final File file : Utils4J.classpathFiles(Utils4J::jreJarFile)) {
// List JAR files that are located in the boot path of the JRE
for (final File file : Utils4J.pathsFiles(System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path"), Utils4J::jreJarFile)) {
A full example can be found here: FindJarsAndClassesInClasspath.java
Easily find matching types from all classes or JAR files in the classpath using Jandex
List<File> knownFiles = new ArrayList<>();
Indexer indexer = new Indexer();
JandexUtils.indexClasspath((URLClassLoader) this.getClass().getClassLoader(), indexer, knownFiles);
Index index = indexer.complete();
Set<ClassInfo> implementors = index.getAllKnownImplementors(DotName.createSimple(List.class.getName()));
// Print all classes that implement the 'List' interface
for (ClassInfo ci : implementors) {
// Print all files ("*.jar" and ".class") that were analyzed
for (File file : knownFiles) {
A test that shows the usage can be found here: JandexUtilsTest
Caution - You must explicitly add the Jandex dependency to your POM if you want to use this feature, because it's defined as optional here.
Snapshots can be found on the OSS Sonatype Snapshots Repository.
Add the following to your .m2/settings.xml to enable snapshots in your Maven build:
<name>Sonatype OSS Snapshot Repository</name>