Developers: Fudayl Çavuş | Mahmut Sacit Meydanal
- Pipes
- Signal and Signal Handling
- Threads
- Exec And Fork
- Child Processes
No external libraries are used
- can change target anytime
- can get notification if target user is offline
- can get notification whenever target goes offline
- can get notification even when the sender is someone else
- can store messages (on memory)
- can track all unread messages
- has custom and responsive design
- can handle multiple clients at a time
- can handle the change of user status
- can trigger client whenever it's needed (by signals)
- can handle duplicate names
Open terminal on cloned folder then do the following steps;
g++ -I./include -o client src/client.cpp src/screen.cpp src/events.cpp
g++ -I./include -o server src/server.cpp