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0a Home assignment infrastructure

Zoltan Micskei edited this page Sep 13, 2022 · 14 revisions

Home assignment infrastructure


The goal of this lab session is to get familiar with all the tools we will use for the home assignment projects. These include the following ones:

  • Git (for version control), GitHub (for collaboration and project management)
  • Java, Maven (for building), GitHub Actions (for continuous integration)
  • SonarLint/SonarCloud (for static analysis) or any other offline/online static analysis tools
    • The team can choose the tool they would use, but it is mandatory to use at least one.
    • We recommend to check out one or more of the followings: SonarLint (integrated into the IDE), SonarCloud (online, integrated into CI), Errorprone (integrated into local build).

Mandatory Exercises

  1. If you have not done yet, read the Home assignment page on the course Moodle site to understand the environment.
  2. Once you got a notification that your team's repository have been created in the FTSRG-VIMIMA01 GitHub organization, go there and look around.
  3. A couple of issues have been opened to guide you. To complete LAB0, finish all issues tagged with LAB0 in the team's repository.

CHECK: Each team member shall create 1 screenshot about the team's repository Issue tab showing the closed issues. The screenshot shall be uploaded individually to Moodle. (This has to be done by all team members separately!)

Please take the time to practice these basic tools if you are not familiar with them, they would be essential for the subsequent phases of the home assignment.

Optional Exercises

If you are not familiar with these tools, check out these detailed exercises. If you know how to use these tools, then these exercises are optional and you can proceed to the mandatory exercises.