stm32cubeide: the STM32 Cube Integrated Development Environment docker container.
To create the image xanderhendriks/stm32cubeide
, execute the following command in the
docker build -t xanderhendriks/stm32cubeide .
You can now tag the repo and push the changes to the docker hub:
docker build -t xanderhendriks/stm32cubeide:4.0 .
docker push xanderhendriks/stm32cubeide:4.0
$ docker pull xanderhendriks/stm32cubeide
$ docker run -it --name stm32cubeide \
-v c:\GIT\repo:/workspace \
The major.minor version number indicates the version of the underlying STM32CubeIde docker image being used. The bug fix number shows updates to this build action only:
- 1.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.4.0
- 2.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.5.0
- 3.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.6.0
- 4.0.2: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.7.0
- 5.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.8.0
- 6.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.9.0
- 7.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.10.1
- 8.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.11.2
- 9.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.12.1
- 10.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.13.1
- 11.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.14.0
- 12.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.15.0
- 13.0: STM32 Cube IDE: 1.16.0
NOTE: Bug fixes are only implemented for older versions if requested.
To build your application from the command line execute the following commands:
stm32cubeide --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data /tmp/stm-workspace -import /workspace/applications/sample_application/targets/STM32 -data /tmp/stm-workspace -build sample_application/Debug