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gusty committed Dec 13, 2022
1 parent cf6e889 commit c8ccdf4
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Showing 4 changed files with 84 additions and 92 deletions.
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -279,11 +279,12 @@ let colorEncoder = function
let colorCodec () = colorDecoder <-> colorEncoder
let carCodec () =
fun i c k -> { Id = i; Color = c; Kms = k }
|> withFields
|> jfieldWith Codecs.string "id" (fun x -> x.Id)
|> jfieldWith (colorCodec ()) "color" (fun x -> x.Color)
|> jfieldWith "kms" (fun x -> x.Kms)
codec {
let! i = jreqWith Codecs.string "id" (fun x -> Some x.Id)
and! c = jreqWith colorCodec "color" (fun x -> Some x.Color)
and! k = jreqWith "kms" (fun x -> Some x.Kms)
return { Id = i; Color = c; Kms = k }
|> Codec.compose (Codecs.propList
let car = { Id = "xyz"; Color = Red; Kms = 0 }
Expand All @@ -292,6 +293,13 @@ let jsonCar : Fleece.SystemTextJson.Encoding = Codec.encode (carCodec ()) car
// val jsonCar: SystemTextJson.Encoding = {"id":"xyz","color":"red","kms":0}

### Json Lenses

Json lenses allow to focus on a specific part of the json structure to perform operations live view, write and update.

For a quick reference have a look at this test file

## Maintainer(s)

- [@mausch](
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129 changes: 54 additions & 75 deletions docsrc/content/codec.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,21 +6,20 @@
#r @"../../src/Fleece.SystemJson/bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Fleece.dll"
#r @"../../src/Fleece.SystemJson/bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Fleece.SystemJson.dll"

open Fleece
open Fleece.SystemJson
open Fleece.SystemJson.Operators

#r "nuget: Fleece.SystemJson"

open Fleece
open Fleece.SystemJson
open Fleece.SystemJson.Operators

For types that deserialize to Json Objets, typically (but not limited to) records, you can alternatively use codecs and have a single method which maps between fields and values.

Expand All @@ -31,16 +30,16 @@ type Person = {
static member JsonObjCodec =
fun f l a c -> { name = (f, l); age = a; children = c }
<!> jreq "firstName" (Some << fun x -> fst
<*> jreq "lastName" (Some << fun x -> snd
<!> jreq "firstName" (fun x -> Some (fst
<*> jreq "lastName" (fun x -> Some (snd
<*> jopt "age" (fun x -> x.age) // Optional fields: use 'jopt'
<*> jreq "children" (fun x -> Some x.children)

let p = {name = ("John", "Doe"); age = None; children = [{name = ("Johnny", "Doe"); age = Some 21; children = []}]}
//printfn "%s" (string (toJson p))

let john = parseJson<Person> """{
let john = ofJsonText<Person> """{
"children": [{
"children": [],
"age": 21,
Expand All @@ -52,21 +51,21 @@ let john = parseJson<Person> """{

If you prefer you can write the same with functions:
If you prefer you can write the same with a codec computation expression:

type PersonF = {
name : string * string
age : int option
children: PersonF list }
static member JsonObjCodec =
fun f l a c -> { name = (f, l); age = a; children = c }
|> withFields
|> jfield "firstName" (fun x -> fst
|> jfield "lastName" (fun x -> snd
|> jfieldOpt "age" (fun x -> x.age)
|> jfieldWithLazy (fun () -> jsonValueCodec) "children" (fun x -> x.children)
static member JsonObjCodec = codec {
let! f = jreq "firstName" (fun x -> Some (fst
and! l = jreq "lastName" (fun x -> Some (snd
and! a = jopt "age" (fun x -> x.age)
and! c = jreq "children" (fun x -> Some x.children)
return { name = (f, l); age = a; children = c }

Both approaches build a codec from the same pieces:
Expand All @@ -79,30 +78,28 @@ Discriminated unions can be modeled with alternatives:

type Shape =
| Rectangle of width : float * length : float
| Circle of radius : float
| Prism of width : float * float * height : float
| Rectangle of width : float * length : float
| Circle of radius : float
| Prism of width : float * float * height : float
static member JsonObjCodec =
Rectangle <!> jreq "rectangle" (function Rectangle (x, y) -> Some (x, y) | _ -> None)
<|> ( Circle <!> jreq "radius" (function Circle x -> Some x | _ -> None) )
<|> ( Prism <!> jreq "prism" (function Prism (x, y, z) -> Some (x, y, z) | _ -> None) )
or using the jchoice combinator:
or using the codec computation expression:

type ShapeC =
| Rectangle of width : float * length : float
| Circle of radius : float
| Prism of width : float * float * height : float
static member JsonObjCodec =
Rectangle <!> jreq "rectangle" (function Rectangle (x, y) -> Some (x, y) | _ -> None)
Circle <!> jreq "radius" (function Circle x -> Some x | _ -> None)
Prism <!> jreq "prism" (function Prism (x, y, z) -> Some (x, y, z) | _ -> None)
static member JsonObjCodec = codec {
Rectangle <!> jreq "rectangle" (function Rectangle (x, y) -> Some (x, y) | _ -> None)
Circle <!> jreq "radius" (function Circle x -> Some x | _ -> None)
Prism <!> jreq "prism" (function Prism (x, y, z) -> Some (x, y, z) | _ -> None)

What's happening here is that we're getting a Codec to/from a Json Object (not neccesarily a JsonValue) which Fleece is able to take it and fill the gap by composing it with a codec from JsonObject to/from JsonValue.
Expand All @@ -116,14 +113,12 @@ type CompassDirection =
| South
| West
static member JsonObjCodec =
(fun () -> North) <!> jreq "north" (function North -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> South) <!> jreq "south" (function South -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> East) <!> jreq "east" (function East -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> West) <!> jreq "west" (function West -> Some () | _ -> None)
static member JsonObjCodec = codec {
(fun () -> North) <!> jreq "north" (function North -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> South) <!> jreq "south" (function South -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> East) <!> jreq "east" (function East -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> West) <!> jreq "west" (function West -> Some () | _ -> None)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,51 +147,47 @@ let someShapes = """

open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Operators
open FSharpPlus.Data

open Fleece.Operators

type ShapeD =
| Rectangle of width : float * length : float
| Circle of radius : float
| Prism of width : float * float * height : float
| Rectangle of width : float * length : float
| Circle of radius : float
| Prism of width : float * float * height : float
static member JsonObjCodec =
/// Derives a concrete field codec for a required field and value
/// Derives a field codec for a required field and value
let inline jreqValue prop value codec =
let matchPropValue o =
match IReadOnlyDictionary.tryGetValue prop o with
| Some a when (ofJson a) = Ok value -> Ok o
| Some a when ofJson a = Ok value -> Ok o
| Some a -> Decode.Fail.invalidValue a value
| None -> Decode.Fail.propertyNotFound prop o
Codec.ofConcrete codec
| None -> Decode.Fail.propertyNotFound prop o
|> Codec.compose (
matchPropValue <->
fun (encoded: PropertyList<Encoding>) ->
if encoded.Count=0 then encoded // we have not encoded anything so no need to add property and value
else PropertyList [|prop, toJson value|] ++ encoded
|> Codec.toConcrete

matchPropValue <->
fun (encoded: PropertyList<Encoding>) ->
if encoded.Count = 0 then encoded // we have not encoded anything so no need to add property and value
else PropertyList [|prop, toJson value|] ++ encoded

fun w l -> Rectangle (w,l)
<!> jreq "width" (function Rectangle(w, _) -> Some w | _ -> None)
fun w l -> Rectangle (w, l)
<!> jreq "width" (function Rectangle(w, _) -> Some w | _ -> None)
<*> jreq "length" (function Rectangle(_, l) -> Some l | _ -> None)
|> jreqValue "type" "rectangle"

<!> jreq "radius" (function Circle (r) -> Some r | _ -> None)
<!> jreq "radius" (function Circle r -> Some r | _ -> None)
|> jreqValue "type" "circle"

fun (w,w2) h -> Prism (w,w2,h)
<!> jreq "width" (function Prism (x, y, _) -> Some (x, y) | _ -> None)
<*> jreq "height" (function Prism (_, _, h) -> Some h | _ -> None)
fun (w, w2) h -> Prism (w, w2, h)
<!> jreq "width" (function Prism (x, y, _) -> Some (x, y) | _ -> None)
<*> jreq "height" (function Prism (_, _, h) -> Some h | _ -> None)
|> jreqValue "type" "prism"

let parsedShapedD = parseJson<ShapeD list> someShapes
let parsedShapedD = ofJsonText<ShapeD list> someShapes

We can manipulate codecs by using functions in the Codec module. Here's an example:
Expand All @@ -207,22 +198,10 @@ let pf : PersonF= {name = ("John", "Doe"); age = None; children = [{name = ("Joh
let personBytesCodec =
let getString (bytes:byte array) = Encoding.UTF8.GetString bytes
|> Codec.compose jsonObjToValueCodec // this is the codec that fills the gap to/from JsonValue
|> Codec.compose jsonValueToTextCodec // this is a codec between JsonValue and JsonText
|> Codec.invmap getString Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes // This is a pair of of isomorphic functions
|> Codec.compose jsonObjToValueCodec // this is the codec that fills the gap to/from JsonValue
|> Codec.compose jsonValueToTextCodec // this is a codec between JsonValue and JsonText
|> Codec.invmap getString Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes // This is a pair of of isomorphic functions

let bytePerson = Codec.encode personBytesCodec pf
// val bytePerson : byte [] = [|123uy; 13uy; 10uy; 32uy; 32uy; ... |]
let p' = Codec.decode personBytesCodec bytePerson

While if the type of codec is concrete then we need to convert it to before composing it

let personBytesCodec2 =
let getString (bytes:byte array) = Encoding.UTF8.GetString bytes
|> Codec.ofConcrete
|> Codec.compose jsonObjToValueCodec // this is the codec that fills the gap to/from JsonValue
|> Codec.compose jsonValueToTextCodec // this is a codec between JsonValue and JsonText
|> Codec.invmap getString Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes // This is a pair of of isomorphic functions
let p' = Codec.decode personBytesCodec bytePerson
26 changes: 15 additions & 11 deletions docsrc/content/combinators.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,17 +6,20 @@
#r @"../../src/Fleece.SystemJson/bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Fleece.dll"
#r @"../../src/Fleece.SystemJson/bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Fleece.SystemJson.dll"

open Fleece
open Fleece.Operators
open Fleece.SystemJson
open Fleece.SystemJson.Operators

#r "nuget: Fleece.SystemJson"
open Fleece.SystemJson

open Fleece
open Fleece.SystemJson
open Fleece.SystemJson.Operators

## Combinators
So far we've seen how Fleece is capable of encoding/decoding by deriving automatically a codec from static members in the type.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,12 +53,13 @@ let colorEncoder = function
let colorCodec = colorDecoder <-> colorEncoder

let [<GeneralizableValue>]carCodec<'t> =
fun i c k -> { Id = i; Color = c; Kms = k }
|> withFields
|> jfieldWith Codecs.string "id" (fun x -> x.Id)
|> jfieldWith colorCodec "color" (fun x -> x.Color)
|> jfieldWith "kms" (fun x -> x.Kms)
|> Codec.compose jsonObjToValueCodec
codec {
let! i = jreqWith Codecs.string "id" (fun x -> Some x.Id)
and! c = jreqWith colorCodec "color" (fun x -> Some x.Color)
and! k = jreqWith "kms" (fun x -> Some x.Kms)
return { Id = i; Color = c; Kms = k }
|> Codec.compose (Codecs.propList

let car = { Id = "xyz"; Color = Red; Kms = 0 }

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Fleece/Compatibility.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ module Operators =
/// A codec to encode a Json value to a Json text and the other way around.
let jsonValueToTextCodec = (fun x -> try Ok (Encoding.Parse x) with e -> Decode.Fail.parseError e x) <-> (fun (x: Encoding) -> string x)

let inline parseJson (x: string) : ParseResult<'T> = Codec.decode jsonValueToTextCodec x >>= Operators.ofJson
let inline parseJson<'T when (Internals.GetDec or ^T) : (static member GetCodec: ^T * Internals.GetDec * Internals.GetDec * Internals.OpDecode -> Codec<Encoding, ^T>)> (x: string) : ParseResult<'T> =
Codec.decode jsonValueToTextCodec x >>= Operators.ofJson

let inline jreq name getter = jreq name getter : Codec<PropertyList<Encoding>,_,_,_>
let inline jopt name getter = jopt name getter : Codec<PropertyList<Encoding>,_,_,_>
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