Memory Game is a game where you will have 4x4 table that has icons and the you have to remember the icons and match them in a specific time frame, there would be 3 main levels of diffculty where each level has a different timer, including an 'impossible level' , timers options :
- Easy: 60S
- Mid: 40S
- Hard: 20S
Live Link: MemoryGame
Faster Live Link: MemoryGame
Youtube Video for the game: MemoryGame
- 6x6 Matching
- 8x8 Matching
- VSCode (Editor for Writing the Code)
- HTML (Structure of the pages)
- CSS (Style of the pages)
- JavaScript (Functionality for the pages)
- WireFrame (Early map desgin of the game)
- Google Fonts (Fonts for the page)
- Trelllo (Managment for the work)
- Surge (Deployment of the game)
- Manage my work on trello.
- hwo to write code more efficiently.
- Deployment on Surge.
- writing the logic of fliping more than one card and havnig them stay if they match and disappear if they don't.
What I am most proud of is the logic behind the card flipping and the event listeners for each icon:
icon1IMG.innerHTML = '<img src="../Icons/icon1.png">'
let icon1Interval = 0
icon1Interval = setInterval(() => {
if (icon1MatchIMG.innerHTML == '<img src="../Icons/icon1.png">') {
icon1IMG.innerHTML = '<img src="../Icons/icon1.png">'
} else {
icon1IMG.innerHTML = ''
}, 2000)
setTimeout(function ShowHints() {
if (icon1IMG.innerHTML === '') {
icon1IMG.innerHTML = '<img src="../Icons/icon1.png">'
icon1Exist = false
}, 100)
setTimeout(function deleteHints() {
if (!icon1Exist) {
icon1IMG.innerHTML = ''
}, 500)
- Have more levels 10x10 and 12x12.
- Have more categories for each level.
- Have more pictures that are random and not fixed.