This repository contains all the code related to the paper Waypoint Generation in Row-based Crops with Deep Learning and Contrastive Clustering, a deep learning model able to predict the position of waypoints in row-crop fields and cluster them with a single forward pass.
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Install the required packages
cd ClusterWay
pip install -r requirements.txt
We recommend to do it in a separate virtual environment with respect to your main one to avoid compatibility issues for packages versions. In this case, remember to create a jupyter kernel linked to the new environment.
You can find synthetic and real-world datasets used in the paper experimentation under the Datasets
folder. If you want to generate new synthetic images you can run the jupyter notebook Artificial Dataset Generator Curved.ipynb
under the CurvedGenerator
folder. You can modify useful parameters in the first cells of the notebook.
All the code related to model training and testing is inside ClusterWay
folder. To re-train DeepWay or ClusterWay run
. You can choose which model to train with the --name
argument. The --curved
argument allows to choose wether to train on straight or curved datasets. Be aware that in order to train the clustering head, you should have already trained a classic DeepWay model with consistent name. All the options can be visualized with python --help
. After training, Tensorboard and txt logs can be found inside the logs
As an example, to train ClusterWay on curved dataset:
python --name deep_way --curved
python --name cluster_way --curved
You can modify network parameters inside the configuration file config.json
. In particular, by modifying the DATA_N
values you can choose to train/validate with fewer images to see how prediction quality changes with dataset dimension. Setting accumulating_gradients
you can train accumulating batches before computing gradients, in order to reach the desired BATCH_SIZE
, but requiring BATCH_SIZE_ACC
GPU memory only. This can be useful if you encounter out-of-memory errors. You can also modify the network architecture changing R
, the number of FILTERS
per layer, the KERNEL_SIZE
or clustering head space dimensionality OUT_FEATS
. Remember to change compression value K
according to the chosen R
, as shown in the paper.
You can find a script to train all the models three times to reproduce the complete experimentation inside the scripts
To test the model run
, in order to compute the AP metric on test datasets as well as clustering metrics. The script exposes arguments similar to the training one. All the options can be visualized with python --help
Keep attention on the following parameters in the configuration file:
"conf_min_test": 1e-2, ----> predictions below this value will be always filtered out, also during AP comuputation
"conf_cl_test": 0.4, ----> default value for probability confidence 't_p' for clustering metrics computation
"wp_sup_thresh": 8 ----> default value for waypoint suppression threshold 't_sup' for clustering metrics computation
To compute the baseline clustering metrics (KMeans and DBSCAN-based pipeline) run
. Only DeepWay models (backbone + estimation head) can be tested in this way. After testing, the txt logs can be found inside the logs
You can find scripts to test all the models inside the scripts
folder. To reproduce the paper experimentation results you can test the pretrained models:
With the Visualization.ipynb
notebook you can easily visualize the detection and clustering results of a model of your choice on specific images.
Warning: Undertrained models can cause a lock during testing due to the high number of predictions over threshold. Increase conf_min_test
in the configuration file if you experience a similar issue.
If you enjoyed this repository and you want to cite our work, you can refer to the arXiv version of the paper here.
title = {Waypoint Generation in Row-based Crops with Deep Learning and Contrastive Clustering},
author = {Salvetti, Francesco and Angarano, Simone and Martini, Mauro and Cerrato, Simone and Chiaberge, Marcello},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.11623},
year = {2022},
Note on the satellite dataset:
The 150 masks of the real-world remote-sensed dataset (100 straight and 50 curved) have been derived by manual labeling of images taken from Google Maps. Google policy for the products of its satellite service can be found here. Images can be used for reasearch purposes by giving the proper attribution to the owner. However, for this repository we chose to release masks only and not the original satellite images.